04. you're welcome

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sunday march 20, 1986

eddie sat outside on the side of the pool for a little longer, the water rippling as wind blew against it.

'why'd i have to bring it up,' he mumbled as he stood up, shaking his head to get some of the water out of his hair.

he looked up and through the faint light of a lamp upstairs he saw a silouhette of steve in the window before the light clicked off.

eddie slowly went back inside, closing the sliding door quietly as to not wake up any of the kids.

he searched around for a downstairs bathroom, getting a towel and drying his hair off, getting another for steve in case.

'first bedroom on the right, first..' eddie whispered to himself, seeing the door left a crack open.

with the moonlight outside shining through the window he could faintly see steve on the ground, a pillow from the bed and a spare blanket with him.

eddie carefully stepped over him, even though it would be funny if he didn't, he didn't really want to wake steve up.

on the bed, to his surprise steve had left a pair of pajama pants for him. he looked back over, steve's eyes closed and still wet hair in his face.

'thanks.' eddie whispered, his eyes lingering on him momentarily before he pulled off the soaking wet jeans he had on and put on steve's pajama pants.

which were a little too long for him, the bottoms of the pants bunching up at his ankles.

'long ass legs,' eddie whispered to himself, crawling into steve's bed and rolling over so he'd face where he was laying on the floor.

he slowly dozed off, falling asleep before he could hear steve say quietly back 'you're welcome.'.

the next morning

eddie was woken up by rattling sounds downstairs, the brunette groaning in exhaustion as he rolled over only for sun to shine directly in his face.

'what the fuck,' he grumbled, getting up and shutting the curtains only to turn around and see steve not in the room.

eddie went downstairs, immediately finding the source of all the noise.

robin and dustin were arguing over who made the better pancake, the rest of the party in the living room watching something on steve's tv but still managing to talk over it.

and, sitting in the kitchen in the same pajama pants eddie had on & a white tshirt was steve, who was currently reaching past dustin to grab one of his pancakes.

'steve! that's mine-' dustin turned around to yell at him when he saw eddie standing at the bottom of the stairs shirtless in steve's pants.

robin noticed too, her eyebrows immediately raising as she looked over at steve in a 'seriously?' look.

'look who's finally up!' dustin said, eddie just grumbling in response and taking one of the seats beside steve.

'not a morning person?' steve looked over at eddie, who's hair was messed up.

'shut it harrington,' eddie yawned, taking the pancake from steve's plate. 'that's for taking my poptart.' he said, giving a slight grin.

'you ate my poptarts??' robin quickly turned around, jaw dropped in surprise at eddie.

'i thought they were steve's!' eddie looked over at steve, who just snorted slightly and shrugged.

before steve could take the pancake back eddie took a huge bite of it, freezing.

'who made this one?' eddie said muffled as he held the pancake up.

'i did! that was me!' dustin cheered, celebrating that eddie liked his pancake more than robin's.

'it's gross,' eddie said, his face twisting together in disgust as he swallowed the bite.

'what??' dustin gasped, looking over at robin.

'i win! take that henderson!' robin grinned, elbowing him in the arm.

'no but—'

'okay, shut up!' steve said, looking down at his watch. 'i need to get you fuckheads home, robin you too.'

'aw,' a collective sound of disappointment came from the living room from the rest of the kids.

'yeah yeah, whatever.' steve rolled his eyes, looking over at eddie. 'can you take like, half of them home?'

'dibs on riding with steve!' dustin said, hitting steve in the arm.

'do i have the option to say no?' eddie looked back from the henderson kid to steve.

'not looking good.' steve patted him on the back, getting up and heading out towards his car. 'let's go!'

'fuck,' eddie complained, remembering his clothes were probably still outside by the pool.

he rushed outside, grabbing his shirt, jacket, and vest along with his shoes, before getting in the car.

mike, lucas, and will hopped in eddie's car while dustin and robin got in steve's.

eddie drove the 3 of them home, dropping them off before finally heading back to his place and going back to sleep.

steve dropped dustin off first, then started to drive robin back when she brought up what steve should've known she'd bring up.

'so.. eddie munson was half naked in your kitchen this morning wearing your pajama pants?..' she said slowly, steve's eyes widening as he looked over at her.

'jesus f— don't say it like that!'

'well?? how else would i say that??' robin said defensively, a teasing grin plastered on her face.

'he jumped in the pool at like, 2 in the morning in his pants! i didn't want him to lay in my bed in soaking wet clothes robin,' steve said, dropping his head back in a complaining way.

'fine! if you say so,' robin still had a stupid grin on her face as she flicked down the sun visor and fixed her hair in the mirror.

steve eventually got home, heading back upstairs to go to sleep since the kids woke him up at 9 on a weekend.

he walked into his room only to see eddie's (now dry) jeans that he forgot to grab draped over the chair.

'idiot,' steve mumbled to himself with a yawn, flopping over onto his bed, the far-too-familiar now smell of eddie's weed and cologne imprinted into it.

he thought he'd be grossed out by the earthy smell like he was the day before, but as soon as steve laid down he passed out within minutes.

..maybe eddie wasn't that bad.

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