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May 10, 2009, • Mother's day

"Do you like it, mommy?"

No reply. Only the slight buzz of the refrigerator and the heavy breathing of Y/n's mother could be heard. Y/n curious eyes fixed on their mother's face. The face of someone filled with terror. Mouth agape, eyes filling with tears, hair strands falling out of their place. Y/n repeated once more. "Mommy? Do you like it?" Snapping out of her daze, she finally responded, voice barely above a whisper. "Yes dear, thank you for the gift." She took the stone-dead corpse of the kitten out of her child's hands and into her own. "it's late dear, go to bed." "Okay, mommy! goodnight!" "goodnight my sweet child..."

Tears started to find themselves back in the mother's eyes as she watched the child walk to their room. Now left alone she broke down, falling to her knees and letting the kitten's corpse drop to her side. "How could my child do such a terrible thing? Most children give their mother a card for mother's day, not a dead kitten. Is this how I raised them?" The questions continued to flood into her head, blaming herself for her child's actions. How could pure little Y/n know? They were only six, still a child. The only logical person to blame was the mother. Yet she knew she didn't teach them such grim behavior. So if not her, then who?

May 13, 2011, • Mother's day

"Hurry along dear." "Mommy, where are we going? On a trip?" "...Yes, and to meet a friend of mine, dear.". She found it ironic that the day she would give her child away and stop being a mother is on the same day to celebrate being a mother. It's not as if she found any joy in giving away the human that she cherished so much, but it was for Y/n's safety. Oh, little poor Y/n. Always in danger. It's not their fault, nor Y/n's mothers. Sure Y/n was safe with their mother, yet there was always that possibility that they would come and try to rip them away. But of course, that chance just had to happen.

"Mommy, can you carry my backpack?" "Of course dear." Gently taking the bag off Y/ns back and placing it on her own, now carrying both of their bags. They carried all of Y/n's belongings and family heirlooms. Though Y/n doesn't know that. For all the child knew the bags contained only clothing and toiletries. The usual items for a "fun" trip. For Y/n this was a perfectly normal day, nothing out of place, yet for their mother, it was quite the opposite. Panic was the only thing that could describe what she was feeling. Her mind moved a million miles an hour, each question and doubt worse than the previous. However, she couldn't show that, for the sake of her child.

The biggest doubt in her mind is that he wouldn't even show. It wouldn't surprise her if he was late, but because of his childish personality and lack of being able to take anything seriously, there was a large chance he wouldn't even meet up with her. Y/n's mother was finally pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Y/n's voice. "What was that Dear?" "I'm tired of walking mommy", Now aware of her surroundings, Y/n's mother realized that the pair had reached their destination, the train station.

Now sitting on a bench, all Y/n and her mother had to do now, was to wait. 5 minutes turned into 15, then 25, then 45, and next thing you know it's been an hour and 17 minutes. "Damn it, where is he..?" Y/n's mother quietly mumbled to herself, Standing up to stretch. Suddenly a booming voice caused both Y/n and their mother to turn their heads to the source, and standing there oh so proudly was just the man they were waiting for. "Yooooo! Sorry, I'm a few minutes late!" the oh-so childish voice spoke, "A few MINUTES?! It's been an HOUR and seventeen minutes, Gojo!" "Yeah, Yeah! It's all the same in the end! So where are they?" Gojo asks to brush off the fact that he was an hour late. His eyes scan the surrounding area, finding the child sitting on a bench staring at him. "This is them? They're kinda scrappy for an eight-year-old..." "Yes, this is them, and they're not scrappy." Y/n's mother replied harshly. "Geez! I was just joking ya know! no need to get so defensive!" "Your childish tone makes it hard to believe anything you say." "Oh Please! Not even 5 minutes into this little reunion and you're already getting mad!". Gojo's eyes move back to their mother, watching her movement. Walking over the bench, Picking up the two bags, turning to Y/n.

"Y/n dear, I'm going to be gone for a little, and in that time you're going to stay with my friend over here, Gojo. Alright?" The Mother spoke in a soft tone "But mommy, I don't know who he is... why are you leaving me?" "I know dear, but you're going to be safe with him, I'm leaving you with him because you will be safe. I'm going on my only little trip..." "...okay mom..." "Come here, give me one last hug and kiss dear.". Pulling Y/n into a gentle hug and giving her a quiet kiss on the cheek, the child does the same to their mother. After their small conversation, there was nothing left to do but part ways. "Bye Dear! And thank you, Gojo, truly." "Yeah, yeah! It's nothing!", "Bye Mom..." The Taller adult and small child replied.

Now Y/n and Gojo, left alone in silence as they watch Y/n's Mother walk into the distance on her own. "Well, kid! Time to take you to your new home! Get Your things and off we are!" Said the tall male triumphantly. "Are you not going to help me carry the bags?" asked Y/n, "Nope! I hope you're stronger than you look!" "I don't like you, Gojo.".


Word count - 1055

Sorry that the chapter is short. It is just the prolog but ill try to make further chapters longer! I'm also going to be offline for like a month, because of camp and family trips, but anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote, stay safe + eat, drink and rest enough, Bye!

DEAD MAN WALKING • Jujutsu KasienWhere stories live. Discover now