How Can You Face Your Problems If Your Problems Are Your Face

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(Y/N) always thought Giorno's eyes were beautiful. As captivating as a landscape, a brilliant turquoise that never stayed the same, in the sun they almost appeared green, and in the dark they shifted to a captivating blue. Yet no matter the hue, they always looked at her warmly, like a fond memory. But today, as everyone stands by his side, their gentle gazes are cold. Narancia and Fugo can't even look at her, staring blankly at the floor. It's eerily quiet, and (Y/N) tries to laugh it off. " What's up? Is something wrong?"

"(Y/N). What did you do...?" Abbacchio stepped forward, teeth grit tight. He was pissed, he had every right to be pissed right now, because if this was what they suspected, she could be a traitor. And every one of them knew that wasn't possible, that she wouldn't dare betray Passione, because that meant betraying them. To their knowledge, she isn't capable of betrayal, but they've all been lied to before. He took another step, wanting to grab her shoulders and force the truth out of her, but an outstretched hand stopped him.

"Tell us what happened on that mission." His voice was monotone, as if he wasn't speaking to her.

"The... Mission? The-the mission! Uhm... well..." She racked her brain for anything he was searching for, anywhere they went out of line in some way. What were the orders? Go there, speak to the Capo, drop off the bomb, and leave. But they attacked first! And they still did as told, they had the package in the office, and ran out of there, and the building exploded, just in time too, so it was fine, yea? Her lips tugged into a smile, unsure of how to approach their question. "I mean, I guess they fucked in the backseat and the passenger seat as an excuse to not drive-"

"No, (Y/N)! What happened in the factory?! Why did you kill the Capo?!" Fugo was the first to burst, voice raising the hairs on the back of her neck. To betray the don like this, it went against all logic, he always admired her enigmatic, yet loyal ways, but this was too much, this wasn't her.

"What do you mean?! We just dropped off the bomb like you told us to!" She raised her voice in response, worry and anger permeating her tone like ink in water. This made no sense, isn't that what he wanted? And how should she have known it was a bomb in the first place? "Besides that, it was a miracle we even got out of there in time, because you sure didn't give us any set number! We could have got caught in that too!"

"(Y/N)!" Bruno shouted, shutting her up even without his stand. He may not be the boss, but his authority was still unquestioned. He opened his mouth to speak, processing her words quietly before he finally let it slip. "The package wasn't a bomb."

The silence no longer like boiling water, it thickened, filling her ears with a muffled ring. That couldn't be right, how could that be right? No, that just wasn't... "But... then the bomb...? Where did it come from?"

"That's what we're here to find out. Bruno, lick her." Giorno ordered, pointing at her cheek. (Y/N)'s eyes widened, immediately backing up and preparing to run for her damn life.

"Yes sir." He seemed unphased by the demand, Sticky Fingers unzipping his arm and launching forward to grab and drag her by his side. She almost dodged, but he was good at reading her moves, creating a zipper pocket to run through and grab her. Her begs and pleas only heightened the closer it reeled her in, and as much as she squirmed, the hand kept still on her waist so she couldn't escape, not even through her stand.

"Nonono please I really didn't do it, I didn't- EIAAAAH" The wet muscle slid up the side of her neck, and she screamed like a wounded animal.

"She's not lying. It wasn't her than planted the bomb." He dropped her like a sack of onions, and Mista tried not to laugh as she writhed on the floor in disgust. "Was it one of the other two?"

"No... couldn't be. They were with me the whole time, and we were too busy trying not to get shot." her voice trembled, more out of fear of getting licked than of any punishment. She did nothing wrong, so it wasn't like they could, but still. Being licked is always unpleasant, isn't it? "Christ... I really thought you just had us carry a bomb the entire time. I mean, it made sense to blow them up. I was pretty sure you knew of their drug trafficking, so like, destroying it kinda clicked."

His head raised, perking up at her words. "I wasn't aware of that, no. Where did you learn this?"

"Huh? It was on the way over, overheard it. They learned that some messengers from the Don were coming, so they couldn't sell a dude some 'pasta'. The money laundering was more of a cover for their really, really bad deeds." Her mind flickered back to the man in the alleyway, pistachio hair infested with fleas, limbs scrawny and slim, face drooping like his skin was going to melt off, it wasn't a pretty sight, nor was being a witness to his anger.

"So then the bomber is someone else, right? So (Y/N) is clear?" Narancia grinned, feeling as if the weight of the world returned below his feet.

"Not yet. We have no evidence of someone else tampering." Not that Abbacchio believed she would actually be behind it all. Their teammate was too stupid to lay in wait for years before stabbing them in the back. Also, she was physically unable to hurt anything she loved. Just a few weeks ago he watched her sob after accidentally cutting her cat's nail too short.

"But still, if they knew the Don's messenger was coming, and had plans of looking respectful and whatever, why would they attack? It's circumstantial evidence, but it sounds like there was another intruder at the time." Mista chimed in. He still religiously wore his hat because of what Abbacchio did when he first came, but today was too hot, so his trusty beanie flopped in his hand as a makeshift fan, gently rocking his head of small curls. "I mean, thinking from the supposed intruder's perspective..."

"A visit from the higher ups would be the perfect chance to sneak in to send a message." Fugo finished, but their revelation was short-lived. Was this an attack made by another mafia? Unlikely, the geography made no sense, unless it was an act of war, but everything was as usual, and no one mentioned anything suspicious yet.

"Then, I think an investigation is in order." Giorno stood, his bright eyes returning to pierce into her. They lingered for just a bit too long, before returning to survey his men. "You guys ready for a road trip?"

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