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"THATS THE LONGEST IVE EVER RIDDEN A BIKE." samantha panted, getting off of nancy wheeler's bike that they all got- except for abigail, who was riding on the back of steves. how he managed to pedal them both, abigail had no idea. samantha dropped the bike as abigail stumbled off of steves, wincing in pain once again.

"this gotta be a world record for most miles traveled inter dimensionally," robin spoke looking at samantha, who nodded looking around the trailer park.

"i just inhaled a bunch of that crap," steve coughed, "its stuck in my throat." he turned around looking at abigail who stared at her hands suddenly. blood was smeared along them, dirt was in her fingernails . "abs." steve grabbed her hand, pressing a kiss to it as he pulled her behind them, snapping her out of her vision. eddie, samantha, nancy and robin was already in the trailer, making the two jog in quickly.

abigail looked at the gate on the ceiling, a breath she didnt know she was holding released. steve gave a small smile, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb before clicking off his flashlight thats been on the whole cycle. "this is where chrissy died," eddie spoke, "like right where she died."

"i think there's something in there," robin whispered making samantha step forward. her eyes looked above her, she reached up on her tippy toes before suddenly a vision flashed through her mind. bats were on the way. "sam."

abigail yelled, "fuck!" before grabbing samantha, whose eyes went darker than usual. "sam, sam, snap out of it." samantha smirked before shoving abigail against the wall, her head smacking against it making abigail yell out in pain. samantha looked back at the group, a smile on her face. as she wrapped her hands around abigail's neck. she slowly began lifting the brunette off her feet, "steve!"

steve ran at samantha, shoving her off of abigail making the brunette fall on the ground. she grabbed samantha's ankle, causing the blonde to fall on the ground. abigail got on top of her, placing her hands on samantha's temples. "im sorry, this will hurt!" abigail exclaimed before sending them both into a dark room. 

samantha stood there, her back facing away from abigail. soft cries escaped her mouth, "i couldnt stop it, i couldnt abby." she turned to look at abigail, who raised her hand. "kill me, please."


abigail shut her eyes, sending samantha falling on the ground. abigail opened her eyes, falling off of samantha, who was unconscious. she found a way to send the bats to nancy's house, considering that was the last place they were. "i brought us some time." she whispered, placing her hands on her head.

"what the hell was that?" robin snapped looking at the blonde on the ground. all of a sudden a wooden pole opened up the gate making everyone look up to see dustin, lucas, erica, and max. abigail let out a sigh of relief, wiping blood from her nose.

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now