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ABIGAIL CARRIED PLASTIC COVERUPS TO THE SHED, she handed them to nancy- who was helping steve. "you sure you're okay?" nancy asked seeing the brunette being quiet. abigail nodded, blowing a bubble in her gum as she went inside the shed. abigail didnt speak at all to anyone since the visions, she couldn't. she was to afraid.  she needed to get out of hawkins, she couldn't stay. 

grabbing duct-tape, she pulled it out, ripping it with her teeth. she stood up on a stool, taping it over the wood just like hopper instructed. he told them, and he really told them, make sure everything was covered. one thing and will would know exactly where he is at. they couldn't risk anything. it was now the plan 'b', interviewing will and he had no idea where he was at. "abs," steve whispered walking up behind her. the brunette turned around, her eyes locking with steve- who knew she was freaking out. 

abigail gave him a half smile, "yes?" 

steve knew she didnt want to talk about what she saw, so he just sighed grabbing some of the duct-tape. abigail turned around, stepping back up on the stool when the kids came in. they had cardboard, "here you go," dustin told abigail, who just nodded in response. the brunette placed it against the wood when jonathan taped it for her. everyone started to place newspaper, cardboard, and plastic all over the small shed. 

abigail looked down at max, who was watching her carefully- not sure what to say. the brunette placed her hand onto the redhead's head, messing up her hair. after the shed was done, everyone went inside so the adults and mike, could finish it up- placing will inside the small room. the kids, nancy, steve, evelyn, and abigail all sat inside waiting, steve swung his baseball bat around, evelyn sat on the floor, her finger in the air. ice ran down it, creating a small icicle. abigail sat on the floor by the front door, her eyes shut as she tried to get some sleep. she needed to regain her energy, she was about to pass out- she could hear every single persons thought, she couldn't contain her powers. 

next to abigail was a folder. she took it from hoppers cabin, and she didnt want to look through it. "abigail!" screamed a voice in her head. "abigail!" abigail opened her eyes, standing up quickly as she turned to look out the front door. she opened the door quickly, her eyes darting around the landscape. "help me! what the fuck are these things?"


abigail quickly shut her eyes, "where are you?" she replied in samantha's mind. how did she know abigail could hear her mind? was she just guessing? "sammy!"

samantha didn't respond, abigail knew she was close. her house was right down the road. abigail turned around quickly, she grabbed a shotgun from next to the door. "ill be back." she told steve, who just watched her. before he could protest, abigail shut the door lightly before running down the road. samantha's house was down a long road, the lights were out. "samantha!" abigail yelled hearing growls.

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