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NANCY OPENED THE DOOR TO THE WHEELERS HOME, she stepped in, steve and abigail right after her. samantha stood next to robin and eddie, the three of them looking at abigail inching closer and closer to steve. "i talked some sense into him." eddie muttered making samantha face palm, "you had one job!" robin chuckled slightly before grabbing samantha, pulling her inside of the wheeler home.

"might be time to get a maid, wheeler," robin spoke out loud, nudging abigail. the brunette sighed, shaking her head as she looked for anything that could be useful for her arm. 

"come on, i don't want to stay here any longer than we have to."

abigail walked to the nearest bathroom, letting nancy go up in her room to get the guns. the brunette opened the door, it creaked as she shined the light towards the window. it got awfully quiet, to quiet for abigail's sanity. the brunette stepped over a vine, opening up the cabinet doors hoping the upside down would be useful. 'i dont understand.' dustin's voice stated, like a faint whisper which made abigail look up. 

she stepped outside the bathroom to see steve standing there, "you hear that too abby?" he asked as abigail heard thoughts of fourteen year olds as they ran through her mind.  steve watched as she winced, leaning against the wall, "shit, abs." steve rushed over to her as she pulled up her sweatpants, revealing a large bat bite. blood ran down her ankle, falling into her shoe. the bite was infected, dark spots circled the bite as abigail let her head fall back, her mouth open in pain. "hey, its gonna be okay." steve whispered, his hand on her soft cheek helping her look at him.

"im fucking screwed," abigail joked, placing her hand on top of his. 

steve looked at her lips, his heart pounding like a little kid having their first kiss. abigail looked at him, her breath hitching as they leaned in without even realizing. if dustin henderson didnt talk once again, they would've kissed- but they pulled apart, "dustin?" abigail whispered, trying to connect to his mind. instead she got a massive headache, her abilities weren't working making her frown.

"dustin! dustin!" steve yelled making abigail jump. she looked at him with wide eyes, a confused expression on her face as the word 'what' slipped past her lips. "can you hear me? dustin!" steve kept shouting as the other four ran down the stairs, standing next to abigail as she turned towards them with her arms crossed and a sigh escaping her lips.  "he- hello!?"

"maybe he really does have rabies," robin whispered to the others making samantha smack her on the arm.

 abigail shook her head, "then we both do, cause i swore i just that little cloc- shit talk." samantha raised her eyebrow at abigail, who stared at steve, and nodded slowly giving eddie a look making him smile and nod back. even if no words were spoken, samantha and eddie always had that connection were they just talk with their faces- that pissed off abigail very much. 

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