Chapter 3

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It was late evening, the sun had set a long time ago. I went near the bulkheads, the wind was stronger than earlier, the ripples were comparatively higher. The moon was no longer glowing in the sky , as I looked up, it was covered with thick dull leaden clouds.  

" The sky doesn't look good", I said, turning towards Johan. 

" Don't worry, I saw the forecast already, the weather is going to be clear tonight.", Austin said. 

" How about we see those projections!" Mila squeaked from behind.

" Yeah let's do it!", Sameul and Lacy agreed too. 

" I am sorry dear but we have to be a bit careful now plus the weather is not looking good." 

" Huh! Why I really wanted to see this' ', Mila whined. 

" It's okay, we have a lot more to see later", I assured her when we heard a loud thud. We looked up , it was lightning . 

" But I checked the wea…", before Austin could finish a huge lightning struck the sky almost touching our ship followed by light rain. Soon it started raining heavily. The ship heaved and swayed along the strong winds. The ripples were high which breached our ship. 

" Guys quickly go inside", the thunder struck again with a huge thud. 

" Wait!", Jay cried. 

" What happened?! Let's go inside!", I cried. 

" Th...ere look!", he pointed his finger towards the a ship coming towards us in the midst of the storm. In Spite of the howling water, it moved faster , as it came closer we could see its sales stretched from its mass. They have the black flag of jolly roger attached on it . 

" A pirate ship!" Jay cried. It was twice the size of our ship. But before we could go inside , we heard a ' boom' and our ship breached harder followed by huge ripples, splashing water on our ships.  

" Why are they…", before Mila could finish the ships started bombarding our ships more, almost overturning our ships, a huge lightning struck the sky as the storm grew wild, the thick black waves of the sea grew higher. Suddenly a few anchors struck our deck along with a rope coming from that ship and several men from there started sliding down through the rope and landed on our ship. They wore sloppy clothes consisting of waistcoats and breeches with scarves tied around their necks. They had daggers and guns with them. As they landed they started shooting towards us, more men climbed through the ropes and entered inside our ship which was almost half broken. 

" Run!"Johan cried , we ran towards the base but before we could reach there , the place was already blown by the grenade.  

" There!"he cried again. We turned around and saw few wooden shipping drums. 

" Hide here!", I cried and we went and hid behind its back. The firing was still on , Mila , Jay and Bonnie were there with me but unfortunately I lost touch with others. From the gaps we could see many of our men were caught by those men , some of them were even killed by them . My eyes widened as I saw one of those men , a stronger one , wearing a low tricorn hat on his head, caught Johan. He strangled him and pushed him, making him fall on the floor.  

" Joha..", Mila pressed my mouth with her palm. That man took out his dagger and leaned down.

" No Ava..", Mila whispered , pressing her palm more against my trembling lips . And with a flash of thunder , he stabbed it on his chest, blood flowed down the floor. He threw his lifeless body on the sea and moved his eyes towards the drum. We lowered our heads as much as possible. He approached us, until he was too close . He was about to lean when our ship breached again. 

" Look!", one of the men cried. Everyone looked up there , our ship was almost filled with water. We raised our heads and stood there awestruck. It was a giant octopus typically called  ' Kraken ' . It was so huge it almost touched the sky with its long green mantle. One of its tentacles crashed on the ship ,breaking it into two pieces, huge juggernaut of water flooded over the floor wiping our men, the two halves of the ship slided down in the water about to get submerged , we slipped and rolled down the floor and was about to fall in the sea. I held one of the poles with both my hands which were on its edge of getting slipped, a huge whirlpool created on the ocean engulfing everything near it, the waves were too high almost drowning me, I could barely see anyone apart from that huge octopus and few people struggling to survive. But before I could think of anything my hand slipped and I fell into the whirlpool, into the darkness.

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