Chapter 2

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We reached the dock, seeing those ships loaded with cargos while some with passengers.

" Anddddd here we go!!", 

" Whoaaaa!!", we stood aghast, it was a large Brigantine! It has its sails folded , and has a large wooden bulkhead standing on the dock with its ladders out.

" Do you like it? This ship was used by one of the most dangerous pirate crews of the seventeenth century,  the Dark Skull . " 

" It's just amazing!!..."  

" Hey!", we turned around to see Johan approaching us. 

" So we have already loaded all necessary things which we will be needing during the voyage.  

" Let's go in!", we climbed through the ladder to the deck.
I saw Johan talking to Jay's parents, probably talking about our safety. Finally he climbed up and the mooring was released and the ship started sailing. 
Our ship moved through the navy blue water flowing like silk with its layers sparkled under the bright sunlight and the seagulls squawking in the blue sky. The cold breeze touched our skin carrying the bouquet of the island. I looked down at the water, colorful fishes flying and jumping in the water.

“ How long will it take to go there?” Bonnie asked.

“ I don't know.. our ship is moving with great pace, so we will probably reach deeper into the sea by tonight." Johan replied hesitantly when he saw one of his people whisper something to him which was quite audible to me since I was standing near to him.

“ Was it a good idea to bring them here? We don’t even know whether we will see sunlight tomorrow…”

“ Let's not talk about it.. We are still not sure about it”

“ But what about the disappearance of ships caused by rogue waves or the island passes through the agonic line?” I asked abruptly , since science has reached so far and there is no mystery in the world which hasn't been resolved.

Johan chuckled, “ This theory was proposed too but unfortunately based on its geographic location, the agonic line never passed through it and in general if we say waves hardly reached 4-5 meters which can be survived by our ships.”

“ So.. It is the sea monsters!” Samuel said sarcastically.

“ Could be”, Johan chuckled , “ Let me show you something” , he said and took out a small device which had a red button which he pressed.

“ What is it?” I asked but he did not reply.
Our ship continued its voyage , we were talking and laughing about how excited we were to go to the island and all the supernatural beings we might face when I felt something and quickly turned my head facing the sea. It was weird. It felt as if something strong and bold was going to pop out of the water.

“ hey what are you looking at ?”, Mila asked me

“ Umm… I …”, I hardly finished when with a huge juggernaut struck our ship and large shark with its sharp toothed mouth open upsurge out of the sea and jumped towards our ship, we all got frightened and shocked

“ A.. A shar..k”, Samuel cried, our ship broached , the huge shark came so close, I covered myself with my arms but it disappeared right after touching the floor. I slowly moved my hands and opened my eyes.

“ hey! Are we alive ?” Austin cried , still in shock. We heard Johan laughing and approached us.

“ Why are you laughing?!” Samuel asked .

“ You wanted to see a sea monster, didn’t you?”

“ What do you mean, I was just joking”

“ Well, I did not intend to frighten you , I did it”, he said and took out the remote “ What you just now was nothing but a realistic 3D projection.”

“ So it was a 3D projection?!”

“ Yeah..”, he smiled

“ That was really cool!”, we cried.

“ Look ahead , there are more”
We went towards the bulkheads, large ripples could be found to be forming in the  water when something large came above the sea and our ship broached harder this time. We looked above and saw it was the projection of a sea god. His turquoise body was so large and upright , holding a large trident and looking straight. 
It was unbelievable to think that it was a mere 3-D projection. Our ship moved towards him and we were about to cross it, for a second I thought that we were about to crash with his huge boulder. But surprisingly we passed through him as if it was a shadow.   

" It's just unbelievable to think that it was a mere 3-D projection!" Mila cried. 

"But if these are 3-D projections, then why did our ship move and the ripples formed in the water?"This was one of the thoughts that came to my mind though I was too excited to think about it at that time. I turned around and saw that same person ran over Johan, his face looked pale, he looked a bit frightened and he was trying to tell him about something but each time he got ignored by Johan.  

" What could that be ?",  I wondered when we heard Austin.  

" What will be our next sea creature?!" 

" Yes! I am excited to see more", they all agreed and gathered around the bulkhead. 

" No more now,  we will have lunch now,'' Johan said. 

" But we want to watch more", they whined. 

" We can see it later dear, now follow me", he said and he went near a wooden wall surrounded by the two ladders hanging from the quarterdecks.  

" Aren't we going to have it here? This is the best place to have our lunch, looking at the blue sea and feeling the sea air. ", Lacy said, taking a deep breath with her eyes closed. 

Johan chuckled," Trust me you will really like it." He pressed a switch on the wall and the front wall got lifted up leading to an passage. We followed him, through the stairs leading downwards towards the base, the path was dark when we found a wooden door. We stood dazed when Johan opened the door. It was a large restaurant with wooden chairs and tables,  the walls are covered with sails, ropes and ladders  hung from the ceiling, the amber flamed lanterns dangled in the corners,  it was as if we went back to the era of pirates, there was a small ship like model at the center with its bulkheads being the counters and the skeletons were hung there dressed in vests and suits and tricorne hats, at the walls of it hung a huge map .

" It is just…", Sameul barely spoke, looking around the huge place. I looked around it amazed, I have never seen such places before, it gave me an old Caribbean vibe as if few crews of pirates would approach here for drinking and gambling. 
There was a big table at the center and we seated ourselves and our food was being served. Roasted veggies , baked potato with chicken casserole , spiced salmon filets with caramelized onion , chicken with creamy white wine sauce and what not.   

" It looks delicious!" Lacy cried as we dug in.

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