bringing back the beach

Start from the beginning

"You okay in there, LB?" he asked, staring at the girls' bathroom. 

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Ladybug called back. "It's just... a little awkward, ya know?"

She finally stepped out, and Phineas bit back a laugh as Cat Noir's face turned tomato red. It was clear that he'd never seen her in a bikini before. 

"Hey..." she said, and Phineas could see that she was blushing a little as well. 

Oh yeah, she totally has a crush she's not aware of, he thought. 

But he had bigger things to think about. 

"Ferb, contact Baljeet," he said. "We'll need the whole gang for the epic distraction on this one."


Soon enough, the boys had constructed a portal. 

"That's it, you guys are gods," Cat Noir said. 

And of course, it worked, as a girl and two guys stepped through. A girl and two guys Phineas and Ferb knew very well.

"It's Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Isabella gasped. "I'm Isabella. I love your work!"

"Oh, thanks," Ladybug giggled. 

"The name's Buford," Buford introduced. "Resident bully back in my hometown."

Silence hung in the air. 

"And I'm Baljeet," Baljeet said. 

"Yeah, we don't really question Buford's bullying methods," Phineas shrugged. "Believe me, you do not wanna hear the backstory about the thing with the goldfish."

Ladybug wrinkled her nose in confusion. 

"Okay, so what are we doing?" Isabella asked. 

"Buford, Baljeet, I need you to make the stage," Phineas said. "Isabella, get the Fireside girls. We've got a little reunion show to do while Ladybug and Cat Noir get any akumas that come around."

"Already on it," Isabella slipped through the portal again. 

"Hmm," Buford thought aloud. "Maybe I should make molds of Ladybug and Cat Noir."

"Why would you do that?" Baljeet asked. 

"Why not? I have molds of everyone else," Buford shrugged. 

"Someone get this kid mental help," Ladybug mumbled under her breath. 


"Oh, hello, Perry the platypus," Dr. Doofenshmirtz said when Perry landed in front of him. He simply pressed a button, and Perry found himself tied with rope. 

"You sure he won't escape this time?" Hawkmoth asked. 

"It's extra durable rope; nothing can bite through it," Doofenshmirtz reassured. "Are you... um... going to send out your butterfly, or what?"

Hawkmoth eventually did, and it started searching for a distraught soul only...

"I'm not picking up any negative emotions," he said. "Only joy!"


"Ladies and gentleman, the Ferbettes!" Phineas announced. "I'm Phineas and this is Ferb, and we're gonna sing a song!"

They started singing a song that, according to them, had made them a one-hit wonder. 

"You gotta admit, this is pretty awesome," Ladybug said. "These two are really cool."

"Yeah," Cat Noir said. "Also, I feel like I should write a love song for you. Meaningless lyrics like this one as well. Maybe that will make you love me."

"You little stinker," she playfully punched his arm. 

"What? Can't a cat dream?" he laughed. 

"Oh, fine," she rolled her eyes while smiling again. "I'll give you a partial dream come true."

She gave him a big hug...

And Phineas watched as she planted a small kiss on his cheek, sending Cat Noir into a lovesick frenzy as she skipped away.

Oh yeah. 

"Buford, it's gonna be the date night on the roof or Chez Platypus again," he said. 

"Either way, we're good for it," Buford said. 

"Yeah! Ladynoir for life!" Isabella pumped her fist into the air. 

Luckily, no akumas had come around, so it meant that Paris was safe for another day. 

And to clean up, Baljeet literally adjusted the portal to send the sand to the beach back in Danville. 

"Well, that was certainly interesting," Ladybug said, she and Cat Noir now back in the old suits. 

"Sure it was," Cat Noir smirked, and they both shared smug looks, like they pretending they knew something Phineas didn't. 

Oh, the triangle-head kid knew. 

Ladybug loved Cat Noir. 

This wasn't just an oblivious crush. 

Phineas just needed to know what was keeping her from realizing this. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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