iii. Love & War

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Thirteen kids forced to compete in a race where there are no rules, just win. 

It wasn't surprising to anyone that these kids were competitive. It was how they were raised, but Natalie Willows and Diego Hargreeves took it to a whole new level.

"The rules of the game are simple. . . . there are no rules!" Reginald Hargreeves exclaimed as he paced in front of the fifteen year old kids. "The only goal is to get that ball," Regina Willows pointed to the said object that was in the middle of the huge field. "Into that hoop, the only catch is that you have to have gone through the whole field."

Jonathan raised his hand, Regina taking notice and nodded his way. "Didn't you say there were no rules, 'cause that sounded like a rule."

"Good catch, Jon. It is a rule. Now let's see what you do with that knowledge. Go."

She smiled as the teenagers quickly went to their positions on the starting line. Smug grins on the faces of Natalie and Jonathan.

"READY, SET," Reginald started the count down as Regina held her gun up to the sky with her head set up high as she watched from away the looks and the body language their kids were emitting. "Go." The gun shot heard around the world just as the chaos ensued.

IT WAS THREE IN THE MORNING, probably not the best time to be sitting on a park bench, but your interest usually gets peaked when you get an anonymous message to meet you up there. Natalie with the curious nature in her just had to know who invited her there.

The blonde kept looking around to see if anyone was around until she finally saw a silhouette. Feminine, she thought. "Who's there?" She asked. She stood up, walking closer to the light the other person was approaching.


That voice made goosebumps appear on Natalie's skin. Her light colored eyes widened. A frown itching to cross her face.

"Hi, love."

"Don't 'love' me, Lila." The smile on the British girl's face was small and threatening to turn into a sad frown, seeing the eyes of the girl in front of her. "I came back."

Blondie rolled her eyes. "Obviously." The way she said the word sounded so bitter to Lila. "For you, Natty. I came back for you." Lila took one step forward which only prompted Natalie to take three steps back. . .

"Oh, wow. Is that supposed to mean anything to me? Because you were the one who tried to, I don't know, kill me and my entire family." She bit the inside of her cheek, thinking of ways to leave.

"That was a thing of the past, Nat. I've changed I swear." The pleading in her eyes made her weak, but Natalie was resistant. "Cool, I bet that's gonna be your starter for Diego too." Lila seemed extremely fidgety at the blonde's words. Natalie couldn't help but notice the girl's staring at the distance where a figure kept getting closer. "Oh, great. Guess I was right." 

PAPER RINGS, ben hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now