ii. The Old & The New

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KLAUS LED the crew over to his supposed favorite hotel, hotel oblivion

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KLAUS LED the crew over to his supposed favorite hotel, hotel oblivion. "ah, hotel oblivion! i've missed you, you slutty old dame! absorb her, absorb her into your bosom," klaus went onto telling everyone about the people that have lived in the hotel. from stalin to the Kardashians.

"i have a bad feeling about this place." luther said.

"this place isn't that bad." skylar replied as she walked around, making her way to the bar. she set the doughnuts her and seven bought on one of the tables.

"if you don't count who we're here with, then no it isn't," natalie glared at five who rolled his eyes at her comment. "but i've been to better places than this. i mean did you see my house back in the sixties." she sat down on one of the chairs with maeve and klaus.

"maevie, sweetheart, my darling sister, how are you doing?" she asked, setting down her and maeve's doughnuts.


"totally not okay."

the two spoke in unison. maeve sent klaus daggers with her eyes which he just returned with an innocent smile. she turned back to natalie with a smile. "i'm perfectly fine, nat."

"even i don't believe that." five said as he teleported behind her, scaring the shit out of natalie who hit him in the stomach with a menu that was placed on the table. klaus let out a laugh while his brother groaned. natalie was covered in chocolate frosting from her chin the her shirt.

the other's had all gone to their room so it was just the four of them downstairs. "this is why i'm never having kids," she said up to grab a napkin and starts wiping it off her shirt. "god i hate little twerps so much like this was a new shirt i can't believe this." the girl rambled, maeve stood up from her chair as she swallowed what was left of her doughnut. "i wanted that sweet little treat too after saving the world, but noooo it had to be ruined by an old ass man in the body of a fourteen year old because life is against me."

"okay, come on. let's go get a room and head upstairs so you can take a shower and change." maeve wrapped her arm around her sister as the girl kept rambling all the way to the front desk and even when she was going into the shower.

maeve made sure to go out and quickly buy new clothes for her and natalie. living a door away from her she was her closest sibling so it's safe to say she knew what her style was.

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