Chapter 1: Playing Pirates

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Here we go! This is the sequel to Am I Dreaming! The kids are 2 and a half now, and KAIA IS PREGGERZ AGAIN! Whoop! So here we go!


**********KAIA'S POV**********

"Christian, can you watch the kids? Sammi is taking me out shopping!" I called, grabbing my purse. I saw her car pull up into the driveway, waiting for a reply.

"Yeah, sure!" he called from the kitchen.

I kissed all the boys goodbye, "Bye guys!" then went out to Sammi's car

~*~*~*~*~*CC'S POV~*~*~*~*~*

I smiled, as I watchied her leave. I looked down at the boys and I laughed. They were playing with Cheerios, throwing them at each other.

"Boys, do you want to go play outside?" They nodded, smiling. They got out of their chairs and raced to the back door. I opened it and led them out to the little jungle gym we had set up.

I watched them, smiling. I couldn't believe how fast they were growing up. They were walking and talking and eating by themselves. And now we have another baby on the way! It seems like just yesterday Kaia and I first met. We're going to get married after the baby's born. See, Kaia's 7 months pregnant right now, so the baby's due in October. We're going to get married on Halloween, the best day of the year!

"Daddy, come play with us!" Eric said, running over and pulling on my arm.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed. "What do you want to play?" I asked, sitting in the grass next to the swings.

"We wanna play pirates!" Bronson exclaimed.

"You sure?" I chuckled.

"Yeah!" they nodded their heads.

"Well, who's the good pirates and who's the bad?" I asked, standing up. They raced over to me and whispered to each other before answering. "You're the bad pirate, We're the good ones. Bronson's puppy doll is the treasure, okay?" Eric said, holding out Bronson's little stuffed puppy.

I nodded. "Okay, well then let's start!" And we began to play pirates until we heard Kaia open the back door and walk over to us.

"Hey guys, what are you playing?" she asked, bending down to their level.

Eric looked up at her and smiled. "Daddy's playing pitates with us. Do you wanna play, Mommy?"

She smlied, and shook her head. "No, I have to put away the groceries. Maybe next time."

Then Bronson came over and tugged on her pant leg. "Please Mommy?"

She looked down at him and his puppy dog eyes and I could tell her heart just melted.

"Maybe for a little while, but Mommy's tired," she cooed, picking him up and placing him on her hip. He smiled largely and clapped.

"Yay! I love you, Mommy!" She smiled and kissed his nose, "I love you, too!"

We played for a while until Kaia decided she couldn't anymore, then I helped her up and inside. The boys followed and we all helped her put away the groceries. After that I took the boys upstairs for their nap.

"Thanks," she said as I came down the stairs. I smiled down at her, "It's my job as their dad!" Then I kissed her nose.

"You make the best father," she said before going to sit on the couch. I smiled and sighed. This father thing was harder than I anticipated.


Soooo, whaddya think? You like? Comment, vote, recommend to friends, and most of all, ENJOY! <3

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