6 Anger and Nocturnal thoughts

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«Absurd, Absurd » , I kept screaming and whispering to myself as I crossed the street still shocked at how Tessa had treated me. I had done nothing but tell her to spend time with us and not to run away and in return I was faced with a hysterical madwoman, I was shocked and pissed off, I would never help anyone again seeing the treatment. I arrived home and I realized that between the chat and the unpleasant episode it was getting late and it was already one o'clock, then I checked my cell phone that I had accidentally forgotten here and I noticed that Ariel had written me various messages and made various calls . At that moment I panicked, Ariel trusted me and knew that I loved her, but I certainly couldn't tell her that taken by curiosity at 10pm on Saturday night I showed up in front of the door of one of our classmates, so I thought to tell her that I had forgotten my cell phone in the room during my moment of relaxation on the terrace.
Messages :
"Hey Hero, how are you doing? Everything is OK ? I'm at the party with Molly, Felix and Louise, we're having fun but I miss you "

«Hey Hero, are you already the old man on Saturday night who goes to bed at 9? "

Ariel: «Hero why don't you join us? We can have fun "

Ariel: "Herooo I don't understand why you're so old, come to the party, boring"

I had read those messages trying to understand why she had written those not very nice things to me, usually she didn't like parties and confusion either and instead lately she cared so much, she was changing a bit but our love was strong or at least I hoped it was . I'm happy if she has fun, I'm not very possessive or jealous, but I felt hurt by some of her words, I didn't think she thought me boring or old, I thought she shared my kind of life.
However I replied:

Hey Ariel sorry , I was reading on the terrace and I didn't have the phone with me. Now I'm going to bed I love you

She visualized my message but did not replay, I decided that I would talk to her the following day but for the moment I just wanted to relax, it was an absurd day that started well and ended with a hysterical neighbor who had kicked me out of the house and my girlfriend who suddenly loved parties and thought I was boring, what a beautiful day.

Sunday :
Today was Sunday, it had been a nice weekend in solitude, as soon as the alarm went off I decided to get up and prepare breakfast and then go for a run, I had decided to wake up at 6.30 so I could make the most of my day. I took a nice shower and started cooking my breakfast, I had decided to make some good pancakes, in the meantime I got ready for my run and I realized that my sweatshirt was not in the house, I started to think where it could be and then I brightened up: "oh no it's at that crazy woman's house, absurd I'll have to deal with it again but I'll think about it tomorrow, I don't want my day to be ruined."
In the meantime I decided to write good morning to Ariel, realizing that she hadn't written to me in the least or even answered my goodnight, how strange. However, I decided to send her a message:
Hero: Good morning love, is everything okay? ❤️
I also checked the other chats with the guys but no one had written to me, so I continued to prepare my breakfast, when at some point the doorbell rang, so I went to open it thinking that maybe Ariel had decided to surprise me for breakfast, and instead it wasn't really her:
Hero: «You again, what do you want?»

Author: I hope you're enjoying it, let me know 🧸

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