Chapter 30: Check Ups

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"Alright, Mitchi! You've done your part. Now switch with me!" Sakuragi yelled to the player but was pinched again on his cheek, "Behave, Sakuragi!" Rei scolded.

The team is going strong steadily, Kakuno may not have talented players but their unity and teamwork are no joke. Kogure is now being substituted by Sakuragi and Rei wished him luck before he left to play.

"This is our game. Just don't throw it off, Sakuragi!" Kogure addressed the redhead but the redhead only laughed, "Four eyes, telling this genius? No need to worry!" 

As Kogure sat beside Rei, she slightly leaned to his side to whisper, "Are you sure he'll do fine?" She asked worriedly. But not even a second, a whistle was blown, the referee announcing a charging foul to none other than Sakuragi. A big oompf on her on that one. 

"Not even for ten seconds." Satoro nervously said.

"That's so.... Sakuragi... You could say... "Kogure said.

It wasn't long enough for Sakuragi to gain his five fouls and be benched again.

Later that night, after the match, Rei went home early to get to her appointment in the hospital. The cold AC and the overworked employees were finally taking their leisure at the lobby, chatting with whatever topics they had. Rei was waiting at an area before she was called by a nurse who then escorted her to a room.

"Good evening, Ms. Genji." Says the male doctor.

"Good evening." Rei said to him whilst sitting on an examination bed. The doctor proceeded to get Rei her check up from her injury that she had before, and after with that, the doctor gave her the results. "You're fully healed, Ms. Genji. But I do recommend to lessen your labor. Even a cured patient can still get their sickness back, well, backpains in your case."

Rei chuckled nervously, "Haha! I know, I just can't really help myself doing my best for the team. Especially now that he is here."

"What was that?" The doctor asked which made Rei stood from her seat in embarrassment and tried to wave it off, "N-nothing! Thank you for the results, doc. I'll take good care of myself, so don't you worry." And after signing and writing a few papers, she was ready to call it a night.

Exiting the hospital building, she took a deep breath and relaxed her mind. "I really haven't told my parents about Mitsui joining the team, especially dad." She took a turn with her heel but stopped when she was met with Mitsui who was exiting the same hospital building as well.


"Genji?" The two looked at each other for a moment before Rei decided to approach him with her curious mind, "What are you in for?"

Hisashi looked down to his knee and back to her eyes, "I came here to check if it's still good for me to play basketball." Rei knew what he meant and asked again, "How is it?" 

"The doctor said it's all healed. So I should be fine."

His Score (Mitsui Hisashi x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin