Epi. 24 - Her Past

Start from the beginning

"Pch.. What do you want now?" She asked and placed the file on the table.

"Your time." He said while shrugging his shoulders.

Shashini rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"See Jayesh... Trust is a base for any relationship. For me trust is a first and foremost thing. Without trust nothing will work out. But you broke that fucking trust which I had on you." She started to explain calmly but at the end her voice showed the intensity of her anger.

Jayesh didn't say anything. He remained silent.

"You broke all the promises you gave." Her voice explained her disappointment.

Before she could speak more Jayesh held her hands and said "Shashi.. now I'm not going to ask sorry nor explain myself. I asked for your time because I wanted to know about you. You have all our life to hate and scold me. I'm ready to apologise and wait until my last breath but now I want to know about you. About Deva Shashini. Jenith , Ashwin , your mom , dad and Uncle Alex told me how Shashi is but I wanted to know from you. "

His words were very sincere.

Shashi frowned.

'I know Shashi... I broke your trust and the promise I gave you. I know this is the only thought which is running in your mind. That's why you're residing it every time I come to apologise.' Jayesh thought.

His thoughts were broken when Shashi tried to pull her hand from his hold.

"What do you actually want to know?" She asked calmly.

"The real Shashi who loved Jaydan." He said.

Hearing Jaydan's name made Shashi shiver.

"Everyone told me how much you loved Jaydan but I want to hear it from you directly." He said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I failed to hear when you tried to unfold your past to me but please I want to hear it now." He said.

Shashi sighed because of his determination.

"As Everyone said I know Jaydan from my childhood. Jenith is my best friend and naughty like me but Jaydan was a sincere kid. Now and then he used to play with us. Maybe the distance I had with him made me fall for him.

When Jenith and Jaydan went to Australia for studies I missed them a lot. Now and then Jenith used to talk to me but I didn't get any chance to talk with Jaydan. Without my knowledge I started to like Jaydan because Linda ma always used to talk about him.

When Linda ma passed away I was broken. I couldn't tolerate the pain. That's when I started getting nightmares. Jaydan noticed my sufferings. He started to sleep on the couch so that he could console me whenever I had nightmares. Even though I was angry with him he was adamant and stayed with me.

Day's went just like that.. whenever we talk, it will end in an argument or a fight. But this happened only for the first two years after that I understood my love for him. I can't tolerate a woman beside him." She said

One day Shashi went to Jaydan's room and he was busy getting ready for the office.

"Let me help you." Shashi said moving towards him.

"Don't you have college today?" Jaydan asked.

"Saturday." She replied and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I'll help you." She said and tried to get the tie from his hand.

"I'm getting late Shashi." He said and stood in front of the mirror.

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