"Thank you, Rosalind," said Elena softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

The hybrid blushed. "Just know I'm here for you, always."

After leaving Elena at her house, she drove to Bonnie's, bringing with her some red velvet bundt cake. She knocked on the door, sensing she was inside, but not moving.

"Hey, Bonnie," said Rosalind. "Can I come in?"

She could hear Bonnie breathing, but didn't sense her moving to open the door for her. "Bonnie, I brought you some cake," said Rosalind. "I just want to talk to you."

The Bennett witch shuffled over to her, and opened the door. "Come in," she said softly.

"Thank you," said Rosalind, bringing the cake in and going to set it on the table. "Hey..." she opened her arms, and Bonnie walked into them, starting to cry.

They spoke over slices of cake.

"My Grams, it was like she was dying all over again," she explained quietly, relaying the whole experience. "Just because I didn't listen to her about not doing black magic."

"Maybe it was a hallucination," said Rosalind. "Maybe the consequence of black magic is to feel guilt or something and they played on that. I'm sure she's fine. The witches wouldn't torment one of their own just for that, it must have been a warning to never do it again. Your Grams was a good person, she is fine, I'm sure of it. They just needed to teach you a lesson, or something."

"Well, it worked," muttered Bonnie. "I tried to do a basic nature spell this morning just to clear my head and it just brought it all back. Like it was happening all over again." She sniffled. "Sorry, I'm a mess, I've been holed up in here avoiding everyone. I've completely blown off Jamie." She sighed. "You came here because you needed something, right?"

Rosalind furrowed her brows and shook her head. "No, I came because I was worried about you. If anything, I needed to see that you were still alive. And to let you know that I'm here for you. That it's okay to take some time to yourself to prioritize your mental health. If you think it helps you, if you think you need it, then you don't have to apologize for anything, Bonnie. You've been through a lot. Sometimes I think the rest of us forget that you're doing this all by yourself. There are multiple vampires, multiple werewolves, multiple hybrids. But you're the only witch, and there is just too much of a burden on you. And I want to apologize for any time I ever might have pressured you into something."

"You're the only one that's come to check on me," murmured Bonnie. "Everyone else just... texts. And I say I'm fine but I'm not and they don't actually come and see if it's true. Sometimes I just feel like packing everything up and leaving. Going to live closer to where my dad is. I don't really like his side of the family and he hasn't been very present in my life, but at least there, I could just be normal. A normal girl with a silly family that sometimes has a bit too much drama, but never anything supernatural."

"You should do whatever you need to feel better," reiterated Rosalind. "Be selfish, Bonnie. You're always doing things for other people, but when do you do anything for yourself? Tell you what. You name a place you want to go to vacation to and I will arrange it for you. As long as you need, all to yourself. And I'll compel your teachers to send your assignments via email in case you still want to keep up with school. How does that sound?"

Bonnie sniffled. "That would be nice. I just don't know where I'd go. I'll need some time to think about it."

"Of course, take your time. Listen, I'm making dinner tonight for the hybrids. You are welcome to join. Any friend of mine is a friend to them. Klaus isn't going to be there, it's my personal bonding time with them, and I'm sure they will be glad for more company. We're going to play games and watch movies all night."

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