Chapter 2

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Hey Guys! So friday was my birthday!February 15th and I had a sweet sixteen party and it was amazing then I had a family party and a playoff game and then today(Monday) was family I was just super busy and it's monday night now so I thought why not update the story?

Chapter 2:

Juliet's POV:

Joey was still with Cassandra and Jackson was still with Sophia.I knew the heat for female werewolves was most likely starting tomorrow so..that means I was getting a huge needle stuck in me to avoid the painful process of not having a mate and everyone else was having crazy sex with their mates or at least finding them...

"Juliet?"My dad called as I passed by his office.I peered in with my upper half body through the door.

"Yea?"I asked.

"You know I don't want you near any boys right?"he asked.I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Dad if it's about the new packs' kid-"

"It is exactly about that Jules.Boys are trouble which is why you need to stay away from them."

"Dad I'm almost eighteen years old. Everyone has their mate now, except me."

"Listen Cassandra will not be with Joey; he needs to settle down with a nice girl or I won't let him look after one of the planes."

"That too, why can Joey and Jackson have mates and I can't?"

"Joey and Jackson are boys. Boys cannot get hurt as easily as girls. Especially in this world they are stronger. They can take anything and I have two boys...I only have one little girl. Who is very fragile."

"I'm not fragile dad. I will be if I don't get any exposure."

"Jules, I have a list. A list of all the troubles I don't want you involved in. The first being boys, then drugs, then alcohol and so on."

"Dad it's not like I will be throwing myself at every guy I see!"

"Juliet please. Just do what I say. For me?" He asked. He always had a soft spot for me but I could hear the alpha tone; he was annoyed by the way I was arguing.

"Yea.Okay..." I sighed turning to leave.

"Goodnight Jules."

"Night dad." I called back going upstairs. I went to say goodnight to mom. She was laying on her bed watching TV.

"Are you alright?" I asked walking in.

"Just a little under the weather..." She sighed.

"You got sick that fast?"

"Not sick sick, Jules...a different kind of sick."

"Okay...." I said confused.

"I suppose I can tell you. I haven't told your brothers yet."

"What? Are you sick? Do you have cancer?" I asked worriedly. She chuckled lightly.

"No honey...I'm pregnant."

"What?" I said shocked.

"Yes. I gained some weight and haven't been feeling exactly well...and I went to see the doctor and I am two months and a week and a half along."

"You haven't gotten that big..." I said. Okay yes I have noticed but I never said anything.

"Juliet...don't bullshit me." She laughed. That was the cool thing about my mom; she was like a teenager. She didn't even feel like my mom it was like she was my best friend.

My Big Bad Alpha King (Sequel to MAMTACASCHA) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now