Argument (;^;*)

39 1 0

( pic:
Word count: 625


"I told you already, he's just a friend" you sighed.

"(your name) I've told you all guys are wolves." he said, tone sharp. "He would sleep with you with no hesitation if he got the chance, men are like that"

"No he wouldn't, Hyun. You mean that you would." your voice was strict and accusing, making Zen turn to look at you, anger and surprise painted across his features.

"What are you saying?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"You would sleep with a friend without hesitation and you're just projecting on (friend's name). Or is it that you're scared I'd just spread my legs for any guy, because you would do the same? " it was as if you were staring a hole into him, the anger laced in your words sending a chill down his spine.

"Are you serious right now?" the disbelief was evident in his voice "You know this is not what this is about."

"Oh but you're not denying it?"

"Because it's stupid for you to even say something like that! You know I would never!" he raised his voice, arms crossing infront of his chest.

"I trust you, i just don't trust him! There can't be a friendship between a man and a woman without someone catching feelings."

"But I don't build friendships with people just for sexual intend and I'm disgusted that you would even say something like that, Zen. Is it weird for someone to have friends of the opposite gender without wanting something out of it?"

"You make it sound like I'm being unreasonable." he leaned against the table.

"Thats because you are being unreasonable! You've given me no explanation as to why you're acting like this other than 'men are wolves'. They. Are. Not!" you yelled, frustrated tears pooling in your eyes.

"Maybe it's because you're too good for me!" he suddenly yelled back. Your eyes widened, scanning over his figure.

"I don't even know why you're with me.." his features softened, eyes glued to the floor "You could be with anyone you want, you're perfect. Acting and looks is all I've got going for me and I just. can't. compete."

"Hyun.." your voice was small and soft, hesitantly walking closer to him.

"I'm sorry.." he sighed. Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer into a tight embrace. You stayed silent for a bit, thinking of what you're going to say.

"Is that what you think..? Hyun, you're litterally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, I would never even think of being with anyone but you!" tears streamed down your face as you pulled him even closer. He panicked seeing you crying, kissing away at the tears rolling down your cheeks.

" I know I just.. I saw you and him and how effortless it all was and.. I know this is stupid but I felt insecure!"

"It's not stupid!" you said pulling him into a kiss, hoping that would convey to him what you wanted to say but couldn't find the words to. "I'm sorry for what I said.."

"It's okay I deserved that.. I should have just communicated my feelings instead of accusing your friend like that."

You stayed up until the late hours of the night and you talked about your feelings and insecurities. You acknowledged how vulnerable he was being with you, grateful that he felt comfortable enough to open up about these things. You held him close, whispering reassuring words and listing everything you love about him, littering kisses all over his face, until you both fell asleep...

Fights are ugly and exhausting, but sometimes you can't avoid them and maybe you shouldn't, because you've never felt more connected to Zen than you did after that fight.


Im sorry this one was kinda rushed! Goodnight~!


Zen x reader/mc ~! ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz