5 ~ What you've kept hidden (smut)

Start from the beginning

They stared, simply processing what they were taking in as William calmly took off the raincoat to reveal his unscathed suit as if nothing happened. He turned to the bathroom next to the door and tossed it in the tub to be rinsed off later

He slipped off his crocs and socks placing those in the tub as well. He looked in the mirror and splashed water on his face, washing off some of the blood and fluffing his hair with a dry towel

While all this was happening, Y/n simply stood there with their lips parted slightly and wide eyes.

William was hoping, praying  that Y/n wouldn't leave after his secret has been exposed. Although he wouldn't blame them if they did.

'I will explain everything'  he thought to himself

He walked towards them once he has finished cleaning his face and they backed up into the wall. Standing above and looking down at them, he said

"Y/n, there are a few things I haven't told you about myself. Now you don't have to say anything if you don't want to, just let me talk and you'll listen"

William's face was inches away from Y/n's

Nodding slowly, they walked over to the living room couch and sat beside William as he put his arm around them. Staring into thin air, Y/n didn't lean into his touch as they usually do or speak a word; they didn't know what to do or say

"Listen love, the thing I haven't told you about yet is... well... my need for blood. All those obnoxious children running around my pizzeria with those little screams and high pitched noises gets on my nerves...

Makes me want to squeeze the life out of them

So I do from time to time. I pick my victim based on how blatantly gullible they are to following a strange man with a bunny suit into a back room and then... I kill them. I KILL them Y/n and let me tell you darling it is the most exhilarating feeling in the world. Besides sex with you of course" he chuckled a bit and then looked over to Y/n and winked

Y/n looked at him for a moment and gave him a small smile, only for a second. Their face quickly dropped again to a neutral expression

"I can't stop it. I don't do it very often, and times like this one the kids aren't even from my pizzeria. I grab one from the street, bring them to a back alley, pull out my knife from my briefcase and drive my knife through them, watching the life drain from their eyes as they try and cry out for pain, for any sort of help at all. But they can't Y/n; they choke on their own blood drowning on land if you will. It's quite entertaining really

Like I said I don't do it often, but now that I've started I can't stop it. I've tried trust me, but my lust for blood slowly builds up until I can't take it anymore

Right. My briefcase. I will go wipe it off with a damp rag. Sorry love, I used your kitchen knife for this one. Mine became dull"

Kissing their forehead and walking to the door again grabbing the case, he walks to the kitchens and does just as he said he would. We wipes off the case carefully making sure he gets every drop of blood off without water damaging the surface

Alone with their thoughts, Y/n stayed in the same position they were before. One half of them was telling them

'Run. Run as fast as you can'

But the other half, which was much louder than the other was telling them something rather unexpected

'Help him.'

Shocked at their own thoughts, Y/n actually considered this. Partners in crime. Their thoughts went wild with picturing the adrenaline rush they would get.

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