6 ~ Chef's Kiss (fluff)

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not really any backstory needed but you guys are married bc he is obvi my husband

Y/n was laying on the couch, bored out of their mind. They sat up and began mindlessly flipping through tv channels to watch, never becoming interested in any of them. They turned off their tv and stood up, pacing the halls as they waited for William to arrive home, fiddling with their wedding ring (or wedding band)

In the meantime, maybe they would try surprising him? Maybe having a baked good to come home to would lift his spirits after a long, tasking day at work once again

With all those lawsuits from the 'missing' children coming into the pizzeria, more stress than what was already there was put on both William and his co-owner Henry Emily. Y/n couldn't help but grin about how they had helped William with a couple of those 'disappearances'

That was beside the point. They couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for some of the pressure he had been put under lately. Pulling out their phone, they googled a recipe to make homemade macaroons (or something different if you really want🤩)

It was fairly ambitious but hey, Y/n was always up for a challenge. Getting out all the ingredients needed onto the counter, they began baking.

They sifted the icing sugar and flour into one bowl causing a storm of white powder to circle them. Coughing profusely, they ran to the cupboard putting on an apron, probably something they should have done first. They then got out 2 other small bowls and cracked open an egg, separating the whites from the yolks. They then started to beat the whites aggressively for 2 minutes straight

'I better have abs after this' they thought to themselves

After the whites started to foam, they added cream of tartar and the sugar. They added ourple food colouring to the mixture and grape flavouring. As it began to form stiff white peaks, they began folding in the dry mixture.

It finally looked like actual... dough? Batter? They had no idea what to call it but regardless it looked wonderful. They spooned their work of art into a piping bag and piped little evenly spaced circles onto a baking sheet. Sliding the sheet into the oven, they set the oven to bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit (i personally use celsius so 150 degrees celsius for my fellow maple syrup enjoyers)

Laying down on the couch after their hard work, they fell asleep to the smell of their handy work beginning to bake.


Waking up, they felt a small peck on their forehead. Opening their eyes, they saw none other than William looking down at them lovingly with a small smile on his face and a bit of lavender coloured cream on the tip of his nose (its not what you think istg-)

"Good morning love" he said in a smooth accent

Stretching their legs to the point of which their toes were pointed and their arms reached above their head, they let out a large groan while muttering a groggy "Good morning"

Looking up at William from their position on the couch, they saw that he was wearing a "kiss the cook" apron with no shirt underneath showing his toned muscular arms

They were going to ask but then they suddenly sat up, realizing that they had forgot all about the macaroons they were making. And they were in the oven, 2 hours later

Running back to the kitchen and looking in the oven, they were nowhere to be seen. They turned around to look at the counter; their mouth went agape in the sight of it

There, presented before them were the very same macaroons they intended to bake themselves. They had the cream already filled (😏) and stacked into the shape of a 3D pyramid with sugar dusted on top.

Feeling a set of arms around their waist from behind and cold hands lightly touching their forearms, William whispered into their ear "I hope you don't mind that I finished your little project love. Not to say I was watching you in your sleep, but I didn't wake you because you looked so peaceful" He paused, then continued on to say "and I must say you are no professional when it comes to baking. I took them out and they had been almost reduced to ashes"

They both chuckled when Y/n lightly pushed William's arms off of them and turned around to hug him properly. William wrapped his arms around them again in a tight loving embrace

They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying being in each other's presence.

Y/n broke the silence, asking "So what's up with the outfit?"

Cupping Y/n's jaw and looking down at them smiling, he swiped his thumb slowly and gently across their bottom lip wiping off "excess flour", then he planted a small kiss onto their lips

"I got filling on my shirt. Besides, you're enjoying the view, aren't you love?"

They rolled their eyes playfully, and in an annoyed tone said "Shut up. I would enjoy it more if you lost the bottom half"

"Oh please, if you had it your way I wouldn't even OWN any clothing at all other than this bloody apron"

Y/n punched him lightly, blushing at his words absolutely speechless. They knew he was right

Pulling out of the hug, William walked over to the cupboard grabbing 2 plates but holding one behind his back.

Walking over to the kitchen counter grinning, he said "Now I would like to enjoy the desert I made all for myself while you watch"

why tf was this so hard to write 💀 like this literally took me so long for no reason i struggled to make it sound smooth and for it to flow kinda so sorry if this is mid idfk whats happening man send help. AND ITS SO SHORT please spare me on this one guys im so sorry

ok so respectfully: i will NOT be doing mommy/daddy kinks. or piss kinks. or, believe it or not i had someone message me about a vomit kink. you guys are wilding more than i am sometimes (and that's saying a lot if you've seen my comments)

bye for now my springtrap ashes snorters

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