5 ~ What you've kept hidden (smut)

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farmer william🤤 (btw check out @/squid_nuudel on twitter bro their design of william-)

 i wrote smut for you my little skrunkly wrunkly william suckers

this is the longest chapter yet at a whopping 3700+ words (not as long as william  😒)

read at your own risk and enjoy 🥶 sorry for the long buildup i wanted to include a story part yk?


Y/n stirred a bit in their sleep. They longed for William's loving touch; just to lay on his chest while he embraces them. He had been so romantic and caring for them lately, they really appreciated that.

Y/n had no idea why he was suddenly in good spirits for the past month, but they had no complaints. Good sex is good sex right?

Usually he was in a gloomy mood and he seemed to be always holding something back, like he was on edge, wanting to do something that he meant to do ages ago. They didn't think much of it, but thinking back Y/n is quite curious. William tells them absolutely everything....


Still half asleep, they felt to his side of the bed with their hand but... nothing was there?

Waking fully up, they open their eyes to see the empty side of the bed next to them with his pyjamas neatly folded on his pillow.

Huh. That's kind of strange

Sitting up, they look around the room to see that the closet was open, and a couple things were missing from it

Y/n chuckled at first

'What in the fuck would he need a suit and crocs for at this time of night? I thought he has a business meeting'

Snapping them out of their thoughts, they heard the front door being opened with a loud creak

squish squish squish

William's shoes were making a sound as if they were wet, yet it wasn't raining outside

Y/n slipped out of bed quietly creeping down the stairs, still tired as it was so early in the morning. Looking around the corner of the stairs, they saw the dark silhouette of William taking off his... raincoat? And from the pitch black of the room, it looked wet

"... William? Is that you?"

Startled, William looked in Y/n's direction.

'Oh shit'  he thought

"Y/n it's me don't worry. Darling, you're supposed to be asleep. go back to bed please, I'll be right there" he said smoothly. On the inside he was panicking.

Y/n chuckled, saying "Oh Will it's okay, I'll keep you company"

They walked over to William as he stood stiffly, not having any way to avoid this without having to push them away, which he did not want to do

Y/n wrapped their arms around his torso in a deep warm hug, but then they smelled something... metallically? They also felt a warm liquid seep through their pjs

Pulling out of the hug, confused, they walked over to turn on the lights. Y/n was in shock with what they saw.

William stood there wearing his suit and crocs, but over his suit was a plastic clear raincoat covered in a thick, crimson red substance


He has some on his face as well, and his wavy chocolate locks of hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, and more blood

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