Chapter 1: Prolog

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I'm tapping my foot up and down as I wait for the doctor to return with the results. The door opens and he asks some questions about how I got possessed, how long I've been possessed. 

Some other questions to do with my possession and he also asked how I knew it was a fox demon. I answered as best I can, and he then tells me I suffer from Grandiose delusions. 

I stand up outraged and I walk up to him telling him "I am not DELUSIONAL!! I am possessed alright don't even talk to me I'm out of here!" 

I wave a dismissive head going for the door and he speaks "I told you so!" I shake my head opening the door leaving the room I turn to go down the hall knocking into someone, and I fall to the floor. 

I look up after getting up from the floor and my jaw drops with my eyes widening at who I see so I say "Scott? what are you doing here?" He looks at me sharing my expression as he answers "Stiles? Um I was . . . Checking on my mom." 

I close my eyes sighing with my head hanging and I look back up telling him "Scott you're a horrible liar, just tell me the truth." He sighs before replying "I'm her from a checkup and my mom wouldn't allow any objections so here I am." 

I ask curious "Really then where's the escort?" He responds, "Well turns out my mom wanted me to tell the doctor of my "Delusion" of becoming a werewolf on the full moon. 

So, the second I told them they said that I have something called clinical lycanthropy and I'm like nope I'm out your wrong I'm leaving. Then I bump into you so what about you, why are you here?" 

No way that is crazy there is no way this is coincidence I tell Scott "No way that is weird I'm here from the same reason my doctor came in saying I "Suffer from grandiose delusions" And then I say I'm not delusional and I walk out and into you." 

He now shares my expression, and he asks, "What is that anyway, grandiose delusion?" I answer, "It's where you think your all that or whatever or in my case, I say I'm possessed by a Japanese fox demon aka supernatural powers which is one of the many things that classify as a grandiose delusion." 

He nods and says, " Well because I say I turn into a werewolf I have specifically clinical lycanthropy and I know you already know what that is." 

I nod and tell him "Maybe this was fate and the fact that we are best friend like brothers who just so happen to both be supernatural and be at the doctors on the same day." 

He nods agreeing "Yeah there's no way it can't be a coincidence. . . Right?" I smile nodding and I ask, "Well I did drive here want a ride home?" He nods and we walk out of the hospital side by side to go to the jeep to drive home.

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