It probably wasn't the room that Harry would design for himself, but it was a lovely room nonetheless. It had an inherently homely and lived in feel. It had mess that made it feel like it was truly a place that someone lived, but Harry saw no personal items, and he was sure the Room wouldn't give him a room that was currently occupied with his instructions for it.

Harry was exhausted, looking at the bed only made him realise it more. He didn't have any pyjamas, but he also didn't have the energy to change into some anyway. Harry hadn't slept properly in a long while, the nightmares from Voldemort only helping in making him sleep worse.

Hedwig out a low, gentle hoot, sweeping over to her perch on the other side of the room.

"I'm going Hedwig." Harry mumbled, dropping the bag and flopping on the bed, falling asleep almost immediately.


Harry wasn't questioned as he walked through the castle, though some people did avoid him. From what he cared about his father and the rest of the Marauders that was fair; they were like the Weasley twins. They would prank people throughout the year, but there wouldn't be any pranks on the younger years until they knew the twins well enough to know they were accepting the possibility of being pranked when they take something from them or touch them. The people who were avoiding him were probably trying not to be pranked.

Harry could enjoy a good prank, even if he was rarely a target of them (he figured that Fred and George never saw him in the right state to prank, because they definitely knew who was and wasn't in a mental place to be pranked), but he wasn't one to pull them. He was far too worried about backlash to be able to do that. When with the Dursleys even the pettiest joke from him could have serious consequences.

Harry got to the library without anyone trying to talk to him, and found himself a small table by a window. The view was of the lake, where he could see the giant squid's tentacles lazily waving by the surface.

Harry gathered all books on time magic that he could, not even bothering to try to look in the restricted section, even though he knew he would be able to find some useful information there. He had no chance to get a note that would get Mme Pince to give him the book. Then again, she always hated giving anyone any books, especially the ones in the restricted section.

"If Hermione was here I'd get the answer so much faster." Harry groaned, hitting his head with the book he had just finished reading. It was entirely useless at the situation he seemed to be in as it only talked about Time Turners. "If she were here the decision would be so much easier."

Harry guessed the time he was spending trying to figure out what had happened was the easiest. He couldn't send himself back to the right time until he knew how everything happened. But after that a decision had to be made.

Should he stay in the time where people only think he's James, but still a normal person rather than a famous person who hardly knows anything about the world he was dropped in at 11. If eh stayed then he would be able to leave Hogwarts, or enrol as himself and people would eventually learn the difference. He might even be able to play Quidditch with his father, or become close to his parents. He would never tell them who he was, but that doesn't mean he wasn't desperate to be close to them. He would never have a parent-child relationship with them, but he didn't think he was made for normal family dynamics. He would never be able to get along with Peter, but he might be able to replace the rat man. But if he stayed here he wouldn't be able to see Ron and Hermione again, and he would be abandoning the world that needed him after Voldemort being revealed.

Or should he go back? If he did that then he may well end up in trouble again for being involved in yet another incident. Harry didn't think he could remember the last time he had been even slightly involved in an incident and not been told off for it. He would also be back in the spotlight for everything he did, not being given even the slightest break after something traumatic. He would have Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, Molly, and Arthur, and the adult Remus, but he was always worse off than alone over summers and Dumbledore seemed determined to not listen to him. It felt far less appealing, but it was probably the right decision as far as there was one.

"James!" A voice snapped at Harry, the tone making it clear that this was not the first time the person had called him.

Harry jumped and looked up at the person who had caused him, his breath hitching. He had only seen pictures of her as an adult before, but it was obviously her; Lily Evans. She was beautiful, and her eyes truly were the same as his, though now hers showed irritation at him, which made Harry think of Petunia uncomfortably.

"Sorry, I'm not James." Harry said, feeling a little scared.

"Sorry." Lily said, though she didn't seem to believe him, looking Harry up and down.

"People recently have been thinking I'm him, you're not alone." Harry said, packing up his things to go back to his room.

Lily was still looking over Harry, looking a rather guarded confused. The closer she looked at him the more obvious it was that Harry was not James. It was more than just eye colour that showed they were different, but not everything that was different from James was the same as Lily.

Harry really couldn't understand himself at the moment. All of these people he was running away from were the people he wanted to know. Remus was the only person he wanted to be close to and didn't miss, Sirius he at least somewhat knew, but Lily and James were probably the people he had missed the most for the longest time, but being around Lily just made him want to run. He had wanted parents who loved him since before he could remember, and this Lily and James wouldn't be that.

Harry rushed through the halls to the Room of Requirement, leaving all the books behind. If he was going to stay in this time any longer he would have to get control of himself and stop running away, it was annoying him as well. Why was he turning into such a scaredey-cat?

Hedwig let out a half comforting, half annoyed hoot at him as Harry slipped into the room.

"I know Hedwig, I'm trying." Harry slid down the door, ending up with his head on his knees as he sat on the floor. "Why is this so much harder than it should be? They're the ones in the right time and place."

Harry's Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey AdventureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ