Harry stopped to breathe just out of the way in the passage from the dungeons to the Great Hall He was either under the effect of a strong spell that changed his perception, or he ended up in the past. Neither option really seemed likely, but it had to be one. Either way he wasn't going to lessons like this, but he probably shouldn't go to Gryffindor tower. He hated being in the Hospital Wing; Mme Pomfrey was always so critical as she fussed over him in ways that he didn't need. It's always easy to say he had done the wrong thing when the problem was solved, but beforehand everyone expected him to be a hero. Even when it was the fault of the Dementors she still made him feel guilty.

He guessed the best option would be the Room of Requirement.

It could be as private as he wanted, and it could obviously be more comfortable than anywhere else. He would have to go to the Kitchens for food, but the Room should be able to provide him with clothes. He looked enough like James he likely wouldn't be questioned in the Library either.

"What do you mean you saw a copy of me? Were they making Polyjuice Potion today?"

Harry heard James ask as he slipped past the group of four. He didn't know when Peter joined Voldemort, but he clearly always had the potential with how Remus and Sirius spoke to him. Harry felt more hatred to the rat man than probably anyone else. How could he not? Peter caused the deaths of his parents, framed Sirius, isolated Remus, and doomed him to a life where he had to live up to everyone's expectations not even knowing if he would survive the summers, let alone school years. If all of that wasn't bad enough then there was what happened in the Graveyard where he killed Cedric, tied Harry up and stole his blood, and gave Voldemort a body back.

Honestly Harry was proud of himself for not hexing the rat as he passed by, but he knew Hermione would tell him that it was expected of him and not worth praising.

"No, the kid looked a little different, their eyes were green..." Remus said, Harry not hearing the rest as he walked further away.

"I need a place to stay and be alone. I need a place to stay and be alone. I need a place to stay and be alone." Harry thought, pacing in front of the stretch of wall that opened to the Room of Requirement.

The door that popped up was different to every other one he had ever seen before; it had flowers engraved into it, a few made of different types of wood. The wood itself was dark, with a sections that were much darker. The door handle was bronze and had an "H" engraved into it in a very curly font.

Opening the door Harry found a very comfortable small room. It was significantly larger than either his room or cupboard at the Dursleys, but it wasn't so large it would make him feel anxious about the large , open space. The bed was about the same type as the ones in the dorms, but the posts and frame were rather more decorated. It looked like it was engraved to match the door, except without the different colours of wood. There was a desk with parchment, quills, ink, pencils, and rubbers. The desk and chair also matched the door and bed, the chair did too, and had a soft cushion on the seat. A roaring fire was dancing in the fireplace in the corner by the door. There were a surprising number of seats around the fire for a room for one person; a pair of soft looking armchairs, a small sofa, a couple stools, a lot of cushions, and some large bean bags. An owl perch stood by the desk that had flowers carved into the base. There was a window seat which had about 5 large, soft pillows and an earthy golden blanket draped from it to the floor. The covers on the bed were a wheat colour, with a few black accents.

Harry could only assume that the original owner of the room was a Hufflepuff.

The walls were also earthy tones, the ceiling wooden, with swirling vines of roses painted across it.

Harry's Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now