Chapter 2: Infection part 2

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(The Dungeon)

Not understanding or could not comprehend on what they have turned into. Horrified of what creatures they have become.

They were getting these strange day dreams of being these creatures and are out breeding to have more children.

Origa and Chloe were still in day dream as they could only stare at their body of what they have become.

Looking at the cell door that is keeping them locked in, the two looked back at each other.

"Do you think we can escape Origa-sama?" Said Chloe Looking at her queen.

"Yes maybe..." Origa said as she unknowingly extended her claws as her hands grew a little.

( An: Think like her claws are like Dimitresu's claws)

Raising her claws she swiped at the cell door cutting it to pieces, looking shocked at what her claws were she couldn't believe it.

Chloe looked shocked too.

They both walked out of the cell looking around, having made their escape.

Origa growled. She suddenly felt the need to breed and kill The black Dogs.

"Let us go Chloe, we have a castle to clean, rid of those filthy humans and the so called Monsters that I have." Said Origa as her and Chloe began to revert back to their original forms as the two went to the Throne room where Volt would be at along with his cronies.

( Throne Room)

Volt would be sitting on the throne smiling, happy that he now will conquer Both the Dark Queen Origa and her servant Chloe, as slaves and Bitches to his men and himself. Soon he will create the perfect sex empire a no woman's land, where Man, Beast, Orc and Monsters can unite together to dominate and enslave all women as their sex toys and breeders. He will sit at the throne as Emperor to his Sex Empire, every woman will bow to his might and suck his cock.

He will have Origa's monsters join his Empire by promising them more women to enjoy theirselves with, Even the Orcs and other unspeakable monsters, Once he conquers both Origa and Chloe he will move on to his next targets: The Shield maiden Alliance. And the High Elf named Celestine, he will greatly enslave her and her friends.

This whole country will be his and there is no one who can oppose him or stop him.

"Volt Sir!" Exclaimed a Black Dog Mercenary who arrived at the throne room with the rest of the mercs and Orcs looking at him

"What is the matter?" Volt asked looking at his soldier.

"The dark queen and her servant has escaped from their Cell!" He shouted Surprising his boss and the others.

"What!? How is that possible? We stripped her of her scepter! And she doesn't have the strength to even break herself free!" Volt demanded

"I don't know-" He said but then they heard a blood curdling scream that echoed throughout the whole dark fortress.

The Black dog mercenaries drawn out their weapons.

Volt Got up off the throne grabbing his large sword with Kin besides him with a spell book.

The screams got louder as whatever was attacking the men was getting closer to the throne room.

The mercs we're getting nervous and tense, they didn't know what was going on and were terrified to see what was killing their comrades.

A body was thrown into the throne room shocking everyone as it landed to the feet of the throne Volt looked over and widened his eyes it was one of his right hand men.

"Hicks-sama! He's been killed! His heart has been ripped out!" Shouted a Rookie Black Dog merc before Volt could bark out a command a loud roar and screech interrupted his command as he and several of his men looked at the Throne Entrance and widened their eyes at what was before them.

Two chitinous reptilian beings one being dark purple looking like a female humanoid strands of tentacles, for hair, amber eyes shifted, her pupils narrowed into Slits, teeth were like shark teeth. Hands were big with large claws covered in blood.

The second being was reddish chitinous and looked femme too, eyes were yellow, sharp claws and the same teeth as the purple one, it's hair was a ponytail of tentacle strands. It had tusks on its cheeks.

The men of the Kuroinu couldn't help but feel terrified of what was before them even the Orcs who were there couldn't help but feel afraid too of the female creatures.

"What the hell are they!?" Questioned a Elite Black dog merc.

"I don't know or even care. Get them!" Volt commanded he was not going to let these creatures get in the way of his dream and plans for this country.

His men charged at them same with the Orcs.

The two creatures lunged at the Men and Orcs, once they charged through them the massacre began, screaming could be heard, flesh being ripped and slashed apart, limbs being hacked off.

Volt and Kin could only look horrified at what was killing their members and men.

Volt couldn't comprehend on what are these creatures he kept his focused on the Purple one, those Amber eyes, they looked so familiar that he could have swore he knows who that is. He suddenly felt fear run down his spine if wanted to know his suspicions of who the purple creature was.

"Origa is that you!?" He said out loud looking at the purple creature who stopped and glared at him.

"Here's a Hint!" She said in telepathy to his mind which shocked him. She aimed her hand at him charging a purple lighting aura and fired it at Volt who dropped his sword screaming in agonizing pain.

"Volt-sama No!" Kin yelled as he quickly tried to find a spell in his book to try and save his boss only for his last moments to be met with a knife to his forehead from Chloe in her current form killing him in the process.

Volt continued to scream as the purple lightning surged throughout his body.

"NOOO NO! This can't be happening! AAAHHHH!" Screamed Volt.

His Body stood still as he was frozen to the Spot looking dead at the purple creature that stood there glaring at him as she reverted back to her original form who so happens to be Origa Discordia herself!

Still looking wide eyed with horror, Volt instantly disintegrated on the spot as ashes.

She used her magic to make the pile of ashes to disappear removing that off her throne.

As she sat down with Chloe kneeling towards her who reverted back to her normal form.

"What are your commands Origa-sama." Chloe said to her mistress.

"Eradicate all Black Dogs that still remain in my fortress, same with the Orcs, the Monsters I will deal with myself since I no longer have no need for them." Origa commanded.

"But my lady, how are we going to get an army to defend ourselves?" Chloe questioned knowing Origa always had control over the Monsters.

"That my dear friend is the idea, after you are finished I will tell you what I have planned for this country and to end this war with Celestine once and for all." Said Origa with Chloe bowing slightly

"Understood my lady." Chloe answered as she went to go carry out what her queen commanded her to do leaving the Dark Elf Queen to her devices.

"From this day forth, will be a new generation, a new rise of Dark Elves, it is time for me and Chloe to repopulate our race and to dominate the other kingdoms and Conquer the lands with me being the Dark Empress!" Origa said as her inner alien within her now filled her head with ideas to restore their dark elf race, and because of the creature that she is now she has to be bred by mating with Humans across the lands to help restore their race.

Her rise is just the beginning.

Soon Eostia will have a new breed of Dark Elves with Origa being Queen and Mother to all of them.

To be continued

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