Kai looks at Zane in suprise and asks, "You mean you've never had a home?"

Zane just shakes his head timidly in reply which makes Morro frown since he had been the same when he was younger, before Wu took him in and adopted him, and Wu says, "The Monastery is your home now." before Zane sadly walks away.


Meanwhile Skales is spying through Cole's eyes.

Cole is seen in the Dragon cabinets with his package, which he opens to reveal meat.

Cole says, "Liver and toads, Rocky. Your favorite." and feeds his Dragon. "Mm-hmm."

Skales is showing this to one of his fellow Hypnobrai scouts, Rattla.

Rattla says, "I can't believe you hypnotized one of the ninja." and asks, "Does the General know?"

Skales replies, "Of course not, but I plan to use it for my best interest."

Slithraa then approaches Skales and says, "Everyone works while you two slack. As my second-in-command, I expect more from you, Skales."

Skales responds, "Yes, General. General, you know I am most loyal to you, but I must question this childish agenda. The ninja have stolen our staff yet you instruct your army to make this playhouse? Snakes don't belong in trees." and Slithraa says, "You know better than to question my judgement, Skales. I'll pretend you didn't ask."

Slithraa then hums in thought and says, "If we plan to rule Ninjago from here, this elevator needs to have a trapped door. I want more booby traps!"

Skales was displeased as he replies, "As you wish, General." and walks away.


Back in the Monastery, the ninja are at the dinner table waiting for dinner.

Jay excitedly says, "Hmm. Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook."

Lloyd nods in agreement, "Yeah! Zane's cooking is the best!"

Cole says, "Hey. I didn't hear any complains about my duck chowder last night."

Kai responds, "That's because it glued our mouths shut. You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?"

Jay says, "Yeah. Please don't make that again."

Morro decides to mess with Jay by saying, "Well, I for one found the quiet quite refreshing." and Jay glares at him.

Zane enters the dining room wearing a pink apron while holding some turkey. He says, "Dinner is served." and everyone starts laughing.

Zane asks, "What's so funny?" and Nya replies, "Zane. You're wearing a... Even I wouldn't wear that."

Zane asks, "You laugh because I take steps to ensure I'm clean after cooking?" and Kai replies, "Haha! No! We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!"

Morro then glares at Kai and elbows him, "Ow!"

Zane says, "I guess we don't share the same sense of humor."

Cole asks, "Well, how about this?" and throws a plate full of shrimp on Kai's face which causes everyone except Zane to laugh.

Cole asks, "How could you not find that funny?" before Master Wu pours soup onto Cole's head, "Ah!"

Wu says to Zane and Cole, "Now you are brothers." and a food fight erupts, but this still confuses Zane.

Nya utters, "He looked so cute in it."

Ninjago: Year of the Snakes (Morro Alive Au)Where stories live. Discover now