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*in mind talking*


"Dead bots talking"

(This will be applied to all chapters)


Optimus pov:

as I walked towards my room I could feel them move in my sparkling hold, then a shock running through my frame making my optics flicker. they had created a sibling bond or more like opened one he did not know he had. 

he could feel their calm emotions flow through the open bond. It was amazing as they gave a flux of info to me. they shown how as a Prime he was connected to the originals even if they did not know it either, they were the elder siblings of the allspark and when he became a prime or awakened his assertory he was the youngest one in their family ironically, even with Influx being the smallest of them all .

he felt them move as they went into recharge in his hold. a glimpse of a smile gracing his face as he entered his room. He had someone who understands him in more ways then one what it was like to have the world on your shoulders. He would help his sibling and the bots he has come to call family as humans call it bring back cycbertron so everyone can live aging. 

I wish Megatron could be here, not at the other side of this war. what happened to us, we where brother's that could not be contained, the leaders of a new age. but the counsel, they knew what they did but we found out too late what had really happened that day in kaon. if only I knew, but we mite have not found have found are sister or that we had one if it wasen't for this war as pointless as it is.


Megatrons Pov:

 I was walking down the halls when i felt it , i brushed it off as nothing but now I'm not sure.

the emotions was not mine but i do not have any bonds, all but one, but that was cut eons ago.

The halls were quiet at this hour while megatronus was in recharge at least, giving me time to think without his whining and demanding echo in the ship wanting this and that. How he must have the all spark. At one time i would have be enthusiastic about getting the allspark. but being in ice all these years close to it as the humans continued their rambling as they crawled around like scarplets eating at my wires seeing how i ticked. But i came to relies that something was up with the allspark, not knowing what they were doing to it, i could fell the shocks that it would send out through the building as almost it was testing what was around it.

i felt when it tried to connect to me once but instead once it reach my energy field it reared back.  if my memory serves me right the humans were talking about a test that would happen later that day. 

as my internal clock hit the 17 hour of this plaints cycle there was a serge from the allspark, then silence. soon there was alarms going off. as they rung tough the building or chamber. before more shouts ranged out as firing went off towards it. 

it ran out of my site to escape. before long it was killed.  

i new the bot was sent from the allspark, why because they left a messaged carved carefully in the ice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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