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*in mind talking*


"Dead bots talking"

(This will be applied to all chapters)


Influx pov:

"why do you need to see Jazz?" Optimus stated with a optic ridge raised, as he looked down at  me from his servo.

"you will see, but first you must take me to where his body lays."

"He is in the separate room of the medbay." Ratchet said as he led both of us through the door on the other side of the room.

once we where next to Jazz's body I looked toward his spark chamber where it laded empty, devoided of life. I looked up towards Optimus, he nodded and placed me gently on Jazz's chess plate that hade been put back together.

I placed my hand down on in, closing my optics as a light covered both of us. 












"hello there, I was wondering when you bring me back... thank you" Jazz said as he lifted me up to his face plate.

I looked over at Prime nd Ratchet, they were staring wide optic.


third pov:

Ironhide, Bee, and Sideswipe where all moving things around getting it set up to get it running as this would be their base of operations until something changed that, when a bright light flashed through the base momentarily blinding them.

looking up towards the source, It being the med bay they rushed to make Shure they where not under attack, especially where their only medic was. 


Jazz pov:

"hey, hope I was not missed to much" I say, wincing when Ratchet hits me upside my helm.

"that's what you get for going after Megatron alone, and that's for dyeing" Ratchet says as he hits me upside my helm aging.

"Ratchet I just came back" I say as Influx giggles at me.

"I don't care, now hold still so I can see you condition" Ratchet states just as bee, Ironhide and sideswipe bust trough the door with their weapons' drone.

"what happened, their was a bright light that came from here nearly blinding us." Ironhide states clearly not seeing me yet.

"that happened" Ratchet said as he points at me and Influx.

Ironhide  glitched, falling back, luckily sideswipe caught  him barley before his helm hit the floor. Bee just ignores them and runs over in a fool sprint tackling me off the birth, but not before the Prime swiftly garbed Influx out of my servo, with a look of worry over their face; though it was barley noticeable.

I would have to think the boss later. 


Optimus pov: 

I swiftly garbed the small bot as Jazz and bee tumble of the birth.

my spark was beating fast, that was to close for my liking, I open my hand to see them smiling up at me. then I knew, I was not going to let anything bad happen to them as long as my spark continued to beat. 

I let a simmer of a smile show, carefully putting them in my sparkling hold until I new it was safe. 

once done I over to Ratchet who was just looking at the mess.

"ratchet, do you need any help?"

"no, I'll just get Ironhide to make them clean it up once I get him online. I'm guessing you plain to hold a meeting some time to let everyone know what is going on."

"yes, but until I find somewhere privet  we will prolong the meeting, I fear to know what will happen to them. we will discuses this at a latter time. for now I will retire to my  room with them until we can get arrangements done."

I turn around and head out the door, nodding to some of the bots I meet along the way. this had been a log day.


sorry for the short chapter, will try to make the next one longer :)

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