Chapter 2: Lucy's Return

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(6 years later in Konoha)

Konoha six years later after the kyuubi attack the village was rebuilt and is well but some things hasn't changed during the past six years... why is that? because it involves a certain blonde haired boy.

(In the orphanage)

" Get out of here you demon scum don't ever come back!" Shouted a woman who tossed young 6 year old naruto out of the orphanage as he got back up looking at the woman with a sad look.

" Don't ever come back you demon! you don't belong here anymore!" She yelled with venom as he flinched walking away with a sad look he had to hide in the alley way so no villagers or an angry mob try to kill him.

Naruto had grown he had whisker marks on his face with a little baby fat on his cheeks his hair was blonde but on the top of his head he had little white horns on his head. Now how did he get horns on his head? no one really knows how he got them it's rare seeing horns attached to the blonde's skull the hokage had the hospital do a X-ray on his head and skull wondering how were horns there at the age of 3 that's when his horns grew out of his head much to everyone's shock in the village they were horrified to see he has horns on his head resembling him as a freak or a demon, his eyes were still blue nothing has changed for Naruto so far. In the academy he's wear a hat to cover his horns so no one wouldn't bully him or make fun of them on his head.

Now that he has no where to live or to go plus it was dark at night he was forced to sleep in the alley way until morning hoping no one wouldn't try to attack him he almost wants to go eat him something out the garbage since he had no moneyto buy him some ramen or go to ichiraku's to eat ramen after he walked off to the garbage can to find something to eat he didn't notice a cloaked figure was on the roof tops watching him this figure wore a mask just a anbu mask behind the figure's mask was a look of disgust what kind of orphanage care taker kicks a 6 year old out of the orphanage building the figure jumped to another roof top to follow young Naruto as he walked out of the alley way going to another that was until a mob came after him with pitch forks and other weapons plus there was also chunin there who was helping the villagers attack Naruto who ran for his life as they chased after him he ran as fast as he could the figure quickly followed behind the mask was narrowed eyes the figure had.

" Come back here demon and die!" Screamed a Villager with a pitch fork while the mob followed Naruto

" Die demon this is for the 4th Hokage!" Shouted another Villager with a kunai.

Naruto ran for his life ignoring their demands as he kept running he was heading to the gates which was leading him out the village.

He tripped as he fell the mob surrounded him with dark smiles as they were going to attack him.

" P-Please don't hurt me!" Protested Naruto who was scared

" You will pay with your life you demon no one will save you now!" Shouted the leader of the Mob who held a katana.

" Please don't hurt me! I done nothing wrong!" Naruto shouted back with tears falling out his eyes.

" Yes you have! you killed countless people in our village you even killed our 4th Hokage!" Shouted a female villager who had a knife in hand.

" I Didn't kill anyone! please!" He shouted scared for his life as the villagers brought down their weapons then suddenly something awakened in Naruto and the figure with the mask on saw invisible hands coming from the blonde boy's back as the vectors he had he didn't realize he had them but he accidently cut a man in half with those vectors the mob stepped back shocked and scared seeing one of their villagers diagonally cut in half by Naruto's vector. Naruto was shocked himself he wondered did he do that or not but he backed away he had to run before the villagers could attack him again.

The Diclonius Kitsune. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ