Chapter 7 : Breakfast

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Kalani wouldn't pass a breakfast buffet of the five-star hotel. She tried everything from the trays and finished on her fifth plate, when Chloe arrived with her first.

"You look pale."

"Shut up!" Chloe grunted.

"Milk?" Kalani pushed a glass across the table. "It helps fight off the chili."

Chloe took the glass and emptied it in one go, slamming it down the table.

"If only I can curse right now!" she sent her friend a murderous look.

"Pepto Bismol?" Kalani put the pink bottle on the table.

"Please just be quiet and let me eat!"

"The pancakes are good, but I think your beacon look burned!" Kalani teased.

"My beacon isn't burned!" Chloe responded, then blushed as she realized she fell into Kalani's joke.

Chloe was defeated by a series of stomach issues overnight, she could only blame her ego, insisted that she could take on Kalani's enchiladas challenge, little did she know the power of Mexican chili.

"You know, if you're in such a weak shape..."

"I'm not weak!" Chloe said. "My body is flushing it out."

"Well, you've been flushing all night!"

Kalani enjoying tease, knowing weakness and hygiene reputation are two buttons Chloe couldn't bear.

"Maybe you should go home and let the professionals handle it."

"I'm not weak!" Chloe insisted. "Besides, no one said anything about doing a task. We're just going to scout the place!"

"Scouting it is, but it's a long drive. I just hope we don't need to make any stops..."

"Excuse me..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Chloe ran off again holding her belly.

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