New beggining

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Granny goes to take bath and Mew lift his princess in his arms and take him to his room . He make him lay on the bed and kissed him on his forehead and tell him to sleep for some time.He also sleep besides him because he has also not slept since yesterday night. They both cuddle. Gulf put his head on his hubby's broad chest and put his legs on Mew . Nowadays it's his most comfortable position while sleeping. Mew cuddle his fragile and soft body around his arms. They both slept peacefully.

Granny come to the dinning table after taking  bath and praying

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Granny come to the dinning table after taking  bath and praying. Thorn is getting ready for office. Mews mom also come to dinning table in the hall. Joe and Armaan also come and Priya is helping Thorn in getting ready for office. Granny calls all of them in hall.

Grannu - The kitchen is all dirty . Why don't anyone clean it at night. What the hell is this. U all are become so much dependent on servants. It's not good. Try to do some house hold chores urself too . Thorn is going to office. What will he have for breakfast. Three ladies of the house don't cook anything yet. I will make something for him . And all of you three clean the kitchen and the whole house then . I am making breakfast for u all. No outside food will allow in this house. Go get to work fast .

All of them again see each other face .Now they have to do cleaning too.
They all go to the kitchen and starts their cleaning with no interest. Granny make indian breakfast for all. She also cook
For Mew and Gulf too. After one hour she prepared the breakfast and the ladies also clean the kitchen with Grannu instructions. She make them clean every corner of kitchen and all utensils. They are on verge of crying. Arman is laughing to see his mother working. He keeps them bullying too. Thorn doesn't say anything too. He can see how angry granny is today. So he sit on the dinning table without any objection about their cleaning work.

Granny set all the breakfast on table. They all sit there to eat . But granny stop them. She tells something in Arman s ear and he giggle. He run towards Mews room. He knocks their room. Mew open it . Arman say something in his ear . Mew smiles and nodded. Arman come back to his granny. After some time Mew come to the dinning table with Gulf. Gulf is denying but Mew hold his hand and make him walk with him towards the breakfast table. All are watching them with anger. Both of them sit on the chair besides granny. Gulf is sitting next to granny according to her order. She herself serve breakfast to his younger daughter in law. She pats his hair with love. Gulf starts eating. Now granny order every one to take breakfast and eat . They all make faces and starts eating.

Granny - Gulf baby eat ur breakfast

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Granny - Gulf baby eat ur breakfast. I have cooked it today. It's not good as urs but I am a nice cook too. Just eat properly . U have to eat for u three. I want my great grandsons super strong. Just take care yourself. Whatever u want to eat just tell ur grannu. I will cook for my beautiful baby myself. Don't hesitate. Don't eat outside food. It's not healthy. Ohk love. Just take more parathas with butter and also drink ur milk too. From today I will take care of ur diet . No need of anyone else. U need love and care in this stage. I will take care of everything related to you now.

Mew - Grannu just give him a tight scold. He doesn't take care of himself. Always busy doing things for others. Sometimes skip his meal too. Plss granny only u can punish him now .

Gulf- No Grannu he is lying. I take good care of me.  But I can't sit ideally. I like working. He just want me to eat and sleep only. How can I do this.  Tell me.

Granny - Don't worry from today it's all my responsibility Mew baby. Just don't worry. Just concentrate on ur study only baby. Make his efforts meaningful. He is working so hard on ur studies. Just bring good results.

Mew nodded. Every one is shocked on granny behaviour. Priya is sobbing with jealousy. Joe is looking so much angry.
Mom is not eating properly. They all are angry as well as surprised . Thorn is consoling Priya and feed her with his hand. Granny is noticing all but ignore them.  Gulf feels bad but granny show him his big eyes and give him sign to eat his food . She also feed him with her hand some bits.

Arman - Let me feed my future wife too Grannu. Mami eat  with my hands too. Mammu feeds u everytime but today I will feed u. I will take care of u . U r my pretty mammi. Mami teach mamma and Nani to how to cook tasty food . Their food is yukk. U and Grannu cook so tasty food. Mammi today plss cook pasta for ur future hubby.

Mew - But I don't like pasta

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Mew - But I don't like pasta . I hate it .

Arman - I am talking about me mammu
Not u. I will marry him in future and he will be my wife . So who will be his future hubby. It's Armaan . Me .ohk.

Mew - U brat.  He is mine ohk . Now and in future too. Don't keep eyes on my wife. Otherwise I will call ur daddy. Ohk.

Arman sit in gulf lap and kiss him again and again on cheeks and show thumb to jealous Mew . Mew make his eyes big to make him scare but he giggle and again kiss his mammi. Grannu laugh.
But all other people are angry and sad too. They can't digest granny s nice behaviour towards gulf .

Granny - It's really good idea Arman baby. Three of u I will teach u cooking from today. Gulf also help u . From today dinner will be prepared by all of you. Cook only make two times food . It's my order from today.
All of them see granny with shock. They don't like house hold chores but they have to do it . Granny keep pampering Gulf . She also clean his face after taking breakfast and kiss his forehead. Gulf feels some tears in eyes. Granny ask why he is crying. But Gulf keep crying loudly. He becomes a crying mess . Mew and Armaan keep consoling him . Granny hugs him tightly and pat his back .

Gulf - Grannu since my childhood everyone calls me a curse . Ahh....m
..,...amm no..... body even talk to me well. I do everything to please everyone. But they keep saying that I am good for nothing . My mom died when I was ..........just 4 . After that nobody even care about me . I am a bad omen. Whoever love me have to face ........ahhm......mmmmm. many problems in life . I am ....a man who ....has woman ..... features. I am a stain on society. (Crying hard) . But nobody think I also a human.. being who needs love and care too. Don't I deserve love . Am I so ba ...d.

Granny - No baby u are a jewel my baby. U deserve whole world. Nothing is bad in u . U are a kind and gentle sole. U have changed my devil Suppa and me too. U are an angel. Plss don't cry my Suppa s princess. Plss don't cry ma daughter in law . We love you a lot . Forget about the past baby. Just think about ur babies. Don't cry my doll.

Mew - Love u r a blessing for me . Don't u dare to call low about my princess. He is the best.  I love u most love and always be. Just don't cry baby.

Author's note
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Title - My Little Devil ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now