First meeting

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Mew lives at his pantahouse with his grandmother , father , mother , elder brother tong (26) and a sis (married ) Joe.
Joe shifted to America after her marriage to Jack .She is 31 .Have one baby boy named Arman .

On the other hand,Gulf lives with his elder step brother shon (43) and sis in law rose (39) . They have a daughter Priya (17) . They lives in a simple house.
His brother is a manager in a hotel and he is a nursery teacher .They don't treat Gulf well. Always scolding and toutouring him. Not physically but with their cruel words .Gulf respect them . Never say anything back .He is a very gentle and gorgeous too. He has a devine beauty .His brother believes a man should behave like a man .He should be strong and manly as well .But Gulf is very soft , fragile and gentle .He seems faminen a bit . Because of his unusual feature. He have to go through periods like girls .He can also bear babies . This make his brother hate him .But Gulf can't help it . They keep it as a secret . nobody knows about it unless gulf ,shon and rose. That's why they don't allow gulf to make friends ,go alone somewhere and don't allow him to get married .They treats him as a curse .Rose always make him do household chores and shon takes all his salary from him .His niece Priya is his only love .She cares about his uncle so much .Love him so much . Gulf loves her more than himself. He loves kids .He works in a play way .He forget all his sorrow after seeing them .He love them and care like a mother .So they all calls him mom g .

Mew is a first year student in college .He is a complete brat . All loves him a lot .But his granny loves him most. He is a playboy . Always busy in girls . Spend lots of money daily .His elder brother tong is sincere .He works hard as a ceo in suppasit com . He loves his bro a lot . Always say just have fun dude .I will do everything . Mew s father is strict .He takes care of the college and school under his name . He want decipline in mews life .But all the other members says he is a kid .He should enjoy his life.
His mother also loves him a lot . He has become so stubborn and not even think about other people .Full of himself .He has a handsome and dashing personality . Nobody can resist his charm .Not even one girl say him no .He keeps on bullying and make fun of others. Nobody raise his voice against him . Every one afraid of this brat.

On his 18 th birthday
Mew - Happy birthday to me .
Mom - Happy Birthday to my handsome son . Mamma loves u a lot.
Dad- Happy Birthday champ
Thorn- happy Birthday buddy . How's my little rascal .
Granny -happy birthday my grandson .

Mew -Where is my gift granny.
Granny - Birthday boy , have passions .

Thorn - we have organised a party at night .plss come back home on time today .

Dad - you always come late at night it's not good .u should have some decipline in ur life .

Granny - nobody will say anything to my birthday boy today.

Mew - love u grannu .my gift now .

Granny - I have purchased a bike for u .
Which u wanna buy.

Mew - really grannu .that harley .

Granny - ya handsome .

Mew - give me key na .

After getting key mew at once call his gang . Ohm and other five . they all come on their bikes .Mew show them his bike .they all wanna a bike race .all of them start their bikes and start racing.

On the other hand gulf is in a park with his school kids .they are on a picnic from the school . They are returning from the park .they are crossing the road .At once mew and his gang come with their bike .They are on full speed . One little boy get injured by mews bike . Gulf is a calm person .But when he see mew is not
Apologizing and scold the baby .he gets angry .
Gulf - you should say sorry to the boy .why are u scolding him .It's ur mistake .

Mew - hey u listen , it's not my mistake .u shouldn't come in my way .And this little shit should know how to cross the road .I am Mew suppasit. I never be wrong . And who the hell are u to tell me what to do or not .

Gulf - u brat . Don't call my baby shit .u Don't have manners to talk to ur elders .I will teach u how to respect ur elders .

Mew - How dare u talk to me like this .I will show u ur place . Just wait and watch . U bitch.

Gulf give him a slap .

Gulf - u brat .How can u call me names .I will complaint about u .

I will complaint about u

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Author's note

Hey babies .Tell me by comments how's this chapter and vote for me.

Title - My Little Devil ( Completed ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt