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Mew consoled Gulf . After some time he stopped crying . They both went to Thorn and Priya . Priya saw her uncle crying face . She at once hugged him .Thorn gave a death glare to Mew . Mew just kept quiet .Priya asked him what happened . But he kept sobbing .
Priya asked Mew .

Priya - Mew dear what happened . Why my uncle is sobbing ?

Mew - Bhabhi don't worry . There was a lizard in the washroom . Uncle got scared . He started crying . I just made it shoo from the toilet . That's why it took us some time . I am just consoling uncle . Nothing else . Uncle u shouldn't be afraid of small creature like lizard . Plss don't cry .

Thorn - Uncle plss have something . Plss make urself comfortable . Priya take care of him . Give him some water first .

Priya - Uncle wanna go home . Are u alright ?

Gulf - I oh...k now . I am sorry. Plss continue ur lunch . Plss I .... sorry.

After having food , they were going back to home . Gulf didn't have anything . He was saying he was not hungry . Priya tried to make him eat but he denied.He just kept quiet and play with his fingers . Mew kept his eyes on him only .Thorn and Priya were lost in lovey dovey talks . They didn't notice anything . After some time they went back to their car after paying the bill. In the car Mew again try to hold Gulf's hand . Gulf was already in shock and grief . He didn't protest again . Just let him hold his hand . Mew just rubbing his hand in a consoling way . Gulf felt a little calm and warmth . Again his eyes filled with tears by his warmth .Mew just wiped his tears .

Mew - Don't cry na . Tomorrow is our wedding . I don't want my bride's crying face . Just go home and be prepared for wedding love . Plss my baby don't cry .

Gulf - How can I be glad when someone wants me as his slut for one night . How can u expect a man happy to be a bride
for one day ? I can't even tell my grief to anyone . And now u are not allowing me to cry even .What else can I do ? Tell me .
He cried more.

Mew - do u hate me that much ?

Gulf - yes I hate u most . U are a devil who wants to ruin my life and my self respect . U don't even have shame that I am ur uncle now . I forget to smile after meeting u . God has already made my life so much miserable . But u just break me into pieces . I hate u and I always be . (Sobbing hard )

Mew - ( squeezing Gulf's hand with anger) ohk u don't understand language of love at all . I am trying to be good and gentle with you but u like my devil side more . Tomorrow I will show u my evil side uncle . Be prepared after wedding for our wedding night .
He left his hand and turned his face other side . Gulf wiped his tears . After some time they reached kanauwats home . Priya said goodbye to her groom and her brother in law . They both went inside the house . Both went to their room .Both have dreams in eyes . One has nightmare and another have golden dream of future .

Thorn and Mew both were exited for tomorrow . One exited for getting his love of life and other just happy for fulfilling his lust of sex and his revenge.
Gulf couldn't sleep whole night . He just hold his knees and kept crying whole night . Poor soul .

Wedding day

The day of wedding came . The Suppasit family had booked a huge wedding garden for the wedding ceremony . All arrangements are superb . All the buisness tycoons and celebrities has come to attend the wedding . Kanauwats also reached the garden .Priya was looking stunning in pink lehnga and Thorn in his tuxedo .

Mew was looking fabulous and most handsome in his tuxedo .

Mew was looking fabulous and most handsome in his tuxedo

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Gulf looks like an angel in his pink dress.

Mews eyes were stuck on him

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Mews eyes were stuck on him . He lost his control on himself . But have to wait till night . He became more excited . He just following Gulf like a puppy . Gulf kept ignoring him . Mew was sitting with groom and gulf accompany the bride and taking care of her . Every one was happy . Thorn and Riya look like a pair made in heaven . Soon the ceremony started . The wedding was held in indian traditional way because of their grandparents wish . Every body was apriciating the wedding arrangements . Gulf didn't enjoy anything . He was just worried about the night .
It was bidai time . Priya was crying for separating from her parents . But she was worried about gulf most . She hugged him and cried most . She said take care of urself . Gulf cried mercilessly while hugging his princess . His only well wisher in this cruel world was going to live him too.
Thorn console Priya and Rose console Gulf . After some time all the guests were went back after giving congratulations to the newly weds . Now only kanauwats and Suppasits were there . Suppasit were also going to their penthouse and kanauwats also . Mew gave gulf a slip and give an evil smile too. They all went to their house .
Gulf check the slip . There was an address . He knew he had to go there . He started sobbing . He was trembling with fear thinking about Mew . He was just keep praying to God with tears.

Author's note
Hey sweeties enjoy new chapter .keep commenting and voting.

Title - My Little Devil ( Completed ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt