Chapter Sixteen

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Harry woke sometime later, his head feeling fuzzy, stretching out his exhausted limbs and patting the bed beside him. But Malfoy was gone.

Curiously, Harry rose to his feet and cast a Tempus.

"What the bloody fuck?!" he said. "Draco?" He passed through the room, gathering his things and putting his clothing back on. "Malfoy, why the fuck'd you let me sleep?"

There was no reply. 12 in the afternoon. 12 in the fucking afternoon. He wasn't sure he'd ever slept that late. Damn Draco and his obnoxious dark curtains and horribly comfortable bed.

He wasn't in the kitchen or sitting room either, but Harry found a note.

Stop freaking out. I'm at the shop. See you when you get there.


Fucking traitor, that's what he was.

Harry flooed through to Grimmauld Place, rushing to his bedroom, showering, changing his clothes, and running a comb through his hair all in under ten minutes.

Then he stepped outside and disapparated from the curb.

Diagon Alley was as crowded as usual, people shoving past, scattered laughter and shouting from all directions. The Christmas decorations had gone up basically overnight, all the windows now crowded with fairy lights and sprigs of holly.

Wheezes looked pretty shabby next to all of them, large Closed sign on the door, but they'd get it under control. They had too. He was overwhelmed, though, at the work ahead of him. Countless hours. He'd be working from dawn till dusk every day up until the grand re-opening and then beyond.

Harry took in a deep breath and pushed opened the doors.

He froze, staring at the sight in front of him. It was... it...

"Harry!" Luna called. "I wondered when you'd get here."

Spread across every inch of floor were his friends, wands in hand, clearing orange gunk from the room.

Luna, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Lee...

Someone walked up and patted him on the shoulder. "I told you to watch out, Potter."

It was Blaise shooting him a smile, still far too charming, but Harry didn't feel anything until he looked past him and saw Draco at the centre of it all, casting away, and his heart flipped.

"A man-eater, yeah?" Harry asked dazedly.

"Oh, indeed."

"I think I can handle that."

Blaise tilted his head, looking him up and down. "Interesting."

Then Blaise was walking away and Seamus was approaching Harry, shaking his head in amazement.

"So sorry, mate."

"Er... what for?"

"I just wasn't aware your left hand had dumped you, 's all."

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