Chapter Nine

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The pub Astoria had chosen was loud when they arrived. Not just normal levels of loud, either, but the kind that made you want to find a secluded corner somewhere way off so that you could finally breathe a little bit.

They'd spent a while drinking as one big group, but then Ginny had pulled Lee up to the bar with her for some food and Ron had followed Astoria when she saw some friends she wanted to talk to.

Which just left Malfoy.

The energy had died down a little bit, so they didn't have to yell to hear each other anymore. Malfoy was picking at a basket of chips, laughing a little at Harry.

"I still can't believe you root for Puddle U."

"Of course I do! They're the best."

"According to what metric? The Bats have been in the lead for a good while now, Potter. Get with the program."

Harry laughed and Malfoy gave him a funny look.


"Nothing, you just sounded so—" Harry waved a hand around vaguely— "so muggle. Like the Americans on the telly."

"Must be where I picked it up from."

"You're joking."


"You actually watch television?"

"Why not?"

"Well, I—" Harry sputtered. "I don't know. It just doesn't fit with the idea of you I've had since school."

Malfoy's gaze held weight, steely grey eyes reflecting the shifting colours of the light around the room, making them look purple, then blue, then red. "Lots has changed since school."

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I know. Sorry." Harry forced himself to look away. "Do you use a mobile too?"

Malfoy half-laughed. "Yeah, I've got one for work, but I get all kinds of nervous trying to use the bloody thing."

"What do you mean?"

He propped his chin up on his hand shaking his head. "Well, first of all, how the hell are you supposed to talk to someone without seeing them? I mean, at least with the floo I don't have to wonder what they're thinking the entire time. And I have to rehearse over and over before I call so I sound like an even moderately competent professional! I can rewrite an owl as many times as I please. The whole phone thing is a waste of time."

"I never took you for shy."

Malfoy whacked him on the arm. "That's because I'm not. It's the Muggle's fault for creating such an inane contraption, not mine for being uncomfortable using it."

"But TV you have no problem with?"

"It doesn't require me to make a nice first impression without using my natural charm and good looks."

Harry choked a bit on his drink, rolling his eyes. "You could use a phone to keep up with your friends, you know. It doesn't require a magical fireplace or anything, so it'd be worlds easier."

Malfoy's lips twisted to the side, thoughtful. "I suppose that might be nice."

"You could call Goyle."

He laughed, taking a long sip and clearing his throat. "What gives you the idea that Goyle's a great conversationalist?"

"I'm just saying. If I were you, I'd want to try it out."

"If you were me?"

"If any of my friends were halfway across the globe and didn't fire-call me."

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