Chapter Eight

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"Up and at 'em Weasleys!" Harry called, walking through the hallway and banging on their doors.

He heard a large thwap from behind Ron's, and waited a moment before opening it up.

Ron was still wrapped in his blanket, fallen halfway off the bed with a grimace fixed on his face.

"Mate," Ron said, "what the hell are you waking us up for? The sun hasn't even fucking risen."

"Quidditch match," Harry replied, then he swept out of the room on his way back to the kitchen. He'd decided to take Malfoy's advice. Today, he wasn't going to think about the shop at all.

"I said QUIDDITCH match today!" he bellowed. "Front row seats for Puddlemere United."

"Fuck you, Harry!" Ginny shouted back, and he decided that was confirmation enough she was awake.

He was humming to himself as the bacon cooked when Ginny finally stumbled in. She was wrapped in her fluffy polka-dotted dressing gown, glare so pronounced he was sure he'd still be feeling it tomorrow.

"Well, don't you look ravishing?"

She sat at the table, barely managing to prop her face up on her hand, red hair falling over her eyes like a sheet. "You're the worst housemate ever. Ron agreed it wouldn't take much for us to kick you out, just a couple jinxes and maybe a nice," she yawned, "Imperius."

He laughed. "Yeah, good luck with that. I've made breakfast."

When he sat a plate and mug of tea in front of her, Ginny took a long sip and sighed. "I take it back. Maybe we'll use the Imperius so all you do is cook for us, and the rest of the time we can keep you in the cellar with Kreacher. I could live with that, I think."

"Ah, good plan."


Ron walked in a few minutes later, looking much more refreshed.

"Merlin, what's up your arse?" Ginny asked as he spun Harry around in a circle, dipping him low. Harry laughed, shoving Ron away and to a seat.

"Our Harry forgot to mention one key detail. Puddlemere is not playing just anyone, oh no, they're going up against The Ballycastle Bats."

Ginny slammed her palm on the table and pointed at Harry. "Yes! There is absolutely no way the Bats lose. In your sad fucking face, Potter!"

"Everyone beats the Cannons, I don't know why you're so determined to hate PU."

"It's not about the Cannons," Ginny insisted.

"No, it's the principle of the thing," Ron agreed. 

"You're both ridiculous. The game starts at 8, so you'd better be ready to watch your hopes and dreams die before we leave at 7."

Ginny groaned. "Why do you hate us? We have never been anything but kind to you. Took you in for the Holidays, let you eat mum's cooking, I even sucked you off once."

Ron immediately clapped his hands over his ears, miming a gag. "Oh, that is rank."

"And yet you're going to make us get there an hour early just to sit in the stands and freeze our arses off?"

"Yep!" said Harry brightly, ruffling her hair as he walked past. "Half an hour left to get ready, and I expect you to be out right on time. We're not missing even a second."

He heard Ginny sink to the floor in defeat, and then Ron's voice, muffled through the walls, asking, "You really put your mouth on his—" Harry could imagine the accompanying facial expressions and gestures to Ron's point across.

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