Chapter 15: The Golden Arches

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"Hi," I whispered to Leo when I woke up the next morning.

"Hi," he echoed, giving me a small smile.

"I'm going to go downstairs for breakfast." I was already leaving his bed as he rolled over to look at me. I was worried that we were back to being distant again, unable to face him as I tied my hair in a low, temporary ponytail.

"Alyssa?" His voice sounded so husky and sexy at the moment.

"Yeah?" I was biting my lower lip as I stood at the door.

"I think you forgot something."

"What would I have forgotten? I mean, I'm not putting my shoes on yet."

"Just trust me. You forgot something. Come over here, and I can show it to you."

"Can't you just tell me what it is," I sighed extra quietly as I returned.

"Come here." He motioned me to bend lower with his finger as I flipped my hair back behind my shoulders.

"Okay, what is-" I was cut off by his lips on mine, him placing his index finger beneath my chin as he kissed me gently. After he pulled away I was just staring at him, partly in shock and the other in awe.

"You forgot to let me kiss you."

"We're doing that now? I mean, you're not going to decide you don't want that?"

"I'm okay with simple kisses like these. We don't have to do things fast, right?"

"Of course. I'm okay with taking things slow. Most guys are all about speed, so it's refreshing you aren't."

"Trust me, I used to be, until everything got fucked up in my life, but you're making it better again."

I grinned as my line of sight fell to the carpet, standing up straight again. "I'll just go get breakfast now." I knew I was blushing as I hurried down the stairs, Irmelin noticing when I reached the kitchen.

"Good morning. You look happy," she commented with a smile of her own.

"Yeah, I've had a really good morning so far. So, what are you making?"

"Just some pancakes. I just bought apple juice if you want that."

"I think I'll just stick to milk," I admitted, pouring myself a glass.

"So, when did Leo admitted that he liked you?" She was biting back a knowing smile as she pretended to be busy with cooking.

"What do you mean? I mean, how did you know?"

"By how happy you seem, and I could tell he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret much longer. I've never seen him this smitten with a girl."

"So, does that mean you want me to start taking the couch now?"

"No, I trust you two, and I know Leo's still shaken up about the divorce," she frowned. "If I could change anything about it, that would be it. I don't want him to grow up thinking love doesn't exist. Maybe things didn't work out with me and his father, but we were happy once, and I wouldn't trade my marriage that brought me Leo for anything."

"You're such a nice and strong person, Irmelin. Leo's really lucky to have you as his mom."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that. Now, do you want extra syrup on your pancakes this morning?"

"No, just the usual amount." I gave her a warm smile as Leo finally entered the room. It was going to be hard not to melt whenever I saw him.

I managed to tell Clementine the whole story before first period, her thrilled that my relationship was finally beginning to blossom. It was pouring rain right when school let out, Leo and I waiting out the downpour in his car in the parking lot.

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