Chapter 6: Do You Want to Be Friends?

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"You seem different this morning," Clementine observed when I got into her car in front of my house. It was finally Monday, which meant a new week of school.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday. I had a lot on my mind."

"Like what," she kindly asked as she pulled onto the road.

"Like the fact that I kind of kissed Leo... And he kind of kissed me too..."

"What?" She almost swerved, giving me a heart attack even though the lanes were clear. "That's so great! How did it happen?"

"Well... I thought about your advice about how I should just talk to Leo if I want to, so I saw him playing basketball with Tobey at his place, and I went over. Tobey was really nice, invited me to join in even though I sucked at it, then we had snickerdoodles and lemonade inside, I met Leo's mom, she thought I was Tobey's girlfriend..."

"Whoa... Slow down, Alyssa. I think you need to take a breath. Just skip ahead to the kissing part, okay? We can always fill in the rest later."

"Okay, so I claimed I wanted to give his Stevie Wonder cd back already. Actually I just wanted him up in my room."

"Oooh... What were you expecting to do in there," she teased.

"Nothing inappropriate... I just wanted to spend more time with him. Well, we ended up listening to New Kids on the Block, my favorite song."

"Yeah, I definitely know which one that is. Go on." She nodded a tiny bit as she kept her eyes transfixed on the road, traffic becoming heavier as we neared the school.

"We were just dancing however we wanted next to each other, and I just... He was so cute, Clementine. We were literally still in our swimming gear, and his chest is just so smooth and gorgeous, and his face was so sweet while he was dancing. Like those ocean eyes are just... I guess I kind of melted, and before I knew it I was reaching up to kiss him. I pulled away right after it happened though, but then he leaned down and kissed me himself."

"Then what?" I could hear the smile in her voice as she urged me to continue.

"Then he left," I finished, her face falling a bit.

"Oh. Did he say anything before he left?"

"Um, I think he said he would see me today."

"Really? Like a specific time or place?"

"No, just the general, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Well, maybe he'll come up to you in the halls or something. That's so sweet that he kissed you back like that though. I really hope you two can become a couple already."

"We barely know each other," I slightly laughed.

"That doesn't matter. You two obviously have chemistry going on. I've seen him checking you out when you weren't looking."


"Why would I lie to you, Alyssa?"

"Good point. I curled my hair today. I hope he likes it." I bit my lower lip nervously when I spotted him getting out of his car in the parking lot.

"I'm sure he will. Why don't you go and try to catch him now?"

"Okay," I agreed, but inside I was more anxious than ever. I felt frustrated when I had to follow Leo all the way to his locker, since people kept getting between us. "Hi." I swear my voice had raised a few octaves as I stood there.

"Hi," he echoed, not even looking at me.

"I had a really nice time yesterday. Your mom really does make the best lemonade, and I, um, I liked dancing with you."

Lost Boy || Leonardo DiCaprioOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz