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Still swimming tryna find land moonlight reflecting off the water hopping someone float pass will i ever make it or will I drown like the rest lot of hopeless dreamers who gave up on they dreams will they ever make it too they dreams what's holding you back from achieving all your dreams is you scared of failure cause we all fail  I've failed so many times but i keep swimming hopping someone hears me let all your fears go never look back fuck them memories create new ones real love awaits you self love is essential cause nobody gonna love you better than you always remember you are in control of everything you can manifest anything  into your Reality stay Detainment never lose sight of your dreams stay pure know a lot won't believe in you just never give up on yourself stay true to self keep swimming you almost there never give up dream with your eyes open keep your head up, keep swimming, know you scared, swear everything going to be okay, just keep your faith high, never give up, pray all your dreams come true, hope you don't drown, keep swimming cause I'm swimming with you trying to find some land pray all my dreams come true feel it in my soul something great ready to happen in life dreamer never sleep up all
Night trying to find land dreaming with my
Eyes open, just keep swimming; dreamer don't lose faith dreamer keep on swimming you almost by the land all this swimming will be worth it don't give up never give up keep dreaming
I hope all your dreams come true keep the positive energy flowing, keep dreaming never give up on your dreams

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