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"Wow" Mina gasp, amazed by the breathtaking sight in front of her. Beautify night sky with constellation of stars. It was gorgeous really. She turn to her side and look at Sana who is also enjoying the beautiful sight in front of her.

Feeling like someone is looking at her, Sana turn to Mina and smiles to her. "This is my hiding place. No one can heard me, or saw me. It's just me and with the stars, with the moon." Sana said and sweetly smiles at Mina.

"This is where I let all my anger out, all my sadness out, all my happiness out. All of those emotions were let out at here." Sana muttered and Mina's eyes look at her with serenity. "You were this nice. How could you be someone that I use to hate?" Mina ask, shaking her head and turn to stare at the night sky.

"Someone told me that, find someone who loves nature and night, because they will love you more than the universe." Mina said and her lips curved a smile. "Mina." Sana calls her and Mina turn to Sana, the smile still glued to her face.

"Do you love me?" Sana ask, Mina froze at her place. Shock to hear such a question. Mina could feel her heart rapidly beating against her chest. She's nervous.

"W-what?" Mina stutter in front of Sana, but she couldn't careless. Sana shake her head. "No, forget it." Sana said and standing up, extending her hand out to Mina. "Let me take you home. It's late."

The moon just watch them being a scaredy-cat to their own feeling. Afraid of the heartbreaks.

But Mina refuse to take Sana's hand in hers. She just look at it, and back to Sana's eyes. Mina turn her head to look at the night sky, to the moon. "Someone told me you love moon." Sana retreat her hand back. She stares at Mina. "And that someone is someone we used to know." Mina continue, eyes still on the moon.

"You know Eunha, too?" Sana ask after a long silence. Mina turns to her, a soft smile plastered on her face. "Let's just say, we become each other's nemesis thanks to her." Mina said and Sana raise a brow, doesn't quite catch what Mina was implying to. "What do you mean?"

"Remember the first day we met?"

Mina just walking to her table when someone suddenly bump onto her. Books are falling onto the floor. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The girl who bumps her apologies, and bending to pick up the books on the floor, and her belongings. Mina, being the kind girl she is, helping the girl with her books and the girl's belongings.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine." Mina said, and when the girl is done picking her things, she look up to look at Mina. She smiles at her. "I'm sorry, again. What's your name?" The girl ask Mina, and both of them standing up. "Mina."

"Eunha." Eunha said, smiling to Mina. Until suddenly, Eunha seems like remember something. She smiles at Mina before walk away to her table.

Mina finds Eunha a bit weird. They just met, oh. Because they just met, why expect things? Mina walk to her table.

After class ended, Mina turn her head to find Eunha. But she didn't saw her, she didn't saw Eunha on her seat. She just saw a girl sitting there with Eunha's purse Mina thinks the girl is stealing. Because the girl seems really suspicious to Mina.

Mina walks to the girl, the girl just look up to see Mina, and raise her eye brow, but didn't say anything. "You're stealing." Mina accuse. "Excuse me?"

"You're stealing Eunha's purse." Mina said again, but in cold voice. "Watch your mouth." The girl said, rolling her eyes, wrapping her arms around her body and turn her head side way, not facing Mina.

Nemesis (It's Just a Twisted Feelings) [Sana x Mina] Where stories live. Discover now