Part 6

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~time skip at wedding day(evening)~
* Author's pov*

The ceremony is arranged at a beautiful beach side. Everything is nicely arranged. Only some near persons of Park and Kim family are invited. Everyone is looking so happy for the new soon be couple but the main persons are totally emotionless about the wedding.
Now Taehyung is already at the stage with his parents and waiting for the bride. The priest is in the middle of the stage and told to bring the bride cause it's time to create a new bond..

* Taehyung's pov *

I'm here but Jimin is not. I heard he'll come when the priest will tell. My legs are hurting for standing here to long and it makes me impatient. Then the priest called to bring Jimin. I look at the entrance and Oh! I'm stunned. I saw a beautiful person is coming while his face is covered by a veil. I never disagree that Jimin is beautiful but today he looks different. Eh?! Why I'm thinking this things? Oh no! My mind is lost again! I shook my head and concentrate at the ceremony..

* JM's pov *

I'm so nervous about the ceremony from yesterday and still now. I'm afraid that I'll be messed up everything for my nervousness. Kook helped me a lot with the rituals. Now as the priest told I'm going with him to the stage..
After reaching here Jungkook left me with my parents. I feel that my nervous are starting betray on me..
Then my eyes are fixed on the person who is standing in front of me, Taehyung. He is looking unbelievable handsome and I never denied the fact. Thank god that my face is now covered with the veil, so my red cheeks aren't revealed. Yeah I'm blushing and this things are happening with me now days whenever I think about Taehyung. I never fall in love before so this feelings are totally new to me. May be I started to like him or fall for him? I don't know..
Then the priest announced that the ceremony is going to start. Now we are going to be promised husbands ---

P: Do you Kim Taehyung take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
TH : Yes, I do.
P: Do you Park Jimin take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
JM: Yes, I do.
P: What God joins together, let noone put as under. Now Taehyung please put the wedding ring on your husband's ringfinger and Jimin you also do the same.
<after changing the rings>
P: Taehyung remove the veil and kiss your bride.

My heart started to beat fast. He is going to kiss me!! Then he removed the veil and looks at me. I also look at him with nervousness and excitement. Of course I'm excited cause it's my first kiss afterall! I see he leans so I closed my eyes in excitement..
I feel a soft pair of lips on my forhead. He kissed my forhead instead of my lips!! It made me kinda sad but it's felt good to get a kiss from my rude husband..
We apart and look at the priest --
P: May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. That God has joined, man must not separate. Amen
TH+JM: Thank you for being the lord in this ceremony and for giving your blessings. Amen

Then we come back at our relatives and friends. Everyone congrats us and we just smiled. I still can't believe that I'm already married with the rude CEO!
Suddenly I pissed by a warm hug --
JK: I can't believe my best friend got married. I was so emotional (wipes fake tears)
JM: Yeah yeah Jeon you don't have to be so dramatic (hits slightly at his shoulder)
JK: Okok Min. Now let me introduce myself to your husband (turns at Taehyung)
Hi I'm Jeon Jungkook best friend and colleague of Jimin.
TH: Oh hi I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you-
Y: Hello guys I'm Min Yoongi and he is my husband Hoseok. We heard about you from Tae. It's really nice to meet you in real.
H: I'm your Hoseok hyung Jimin. My little brother is so cuteee
JM: T-Thanks hyung, you are too so sweet..

Then they started to talk with each other.. I can't believe that Taehyung talked about me with his friends! I was so lost in my minds then I hear appa called us--

J/F: Sons please come all of you let's eat the dinner together.
JK: Let's go guys.. Min you know your favourite dishes are here?
JM: Really kook?! Aww so sweet.. Let's go

I really enjoyed the dinner. It was delicious. The whole table was full of laughter. I know I'm going to miss all of them specially my eomma and appa. Now we are going at our new house, mine and Taehyung's. Before leave I was a little emotional but I wept my eyes cause I know if I cried, amma and eomma would cry too. So I bowed them with smile.
Now the car riding is become kinda uneasy. The whole evening Taehyung didn't talk to me. He was so quiet, except Yoongi and Hoseok hyung. The fact made me sad. I think h-he does not like me. I don't know why l'm feeling like this, afterall it is an arrange marriage. But still--
Then the car stopped and we come out. Wow! The house is really very beautiful,not too big not too small. Perfect for two people and also here is a garden but for the darkness it wasn't clear. We stepped in. The indoor is nicely decorated. Everything is so beautiful and welcomed.
TH: Eomma told that the bedrooms are at second floor. I'm taking the right one. You can choose the lefts. Good night.
JM: Oh ok. Good night.

I grabbed my trolley and went to the first room in the left side. The room is really my type. There is a desk and also a book rack which I need for my books. I decided to set up everything tomorrow. I took a short shower and cganged into my night robe. I laid on my bed and thinking about the whole day. I feel like I and Taehyung are college dormmates and it's the reality cause we promised it before our marriage. I sighed and gave up everything on our fate. Let's see what time brings me into.
I'm drowning in my dreamland. Good Night..

*Taehyung's pov *

I noticed Jimin was being clingy towards his so called best friend and of course I don't like it. I don't know why l'm feeling like this. Isn't it me who give those conditions? Then? I sighed. Life is so messy and confusing sometimes. I don't know what to do or what to feel. I'll see where fate brings us into.
I feel dizzy due to tiredness. I'm going to bed. Good Night..

-Author's Note-
Hi lovelies here a chapter! Hope you like it.. Vote and comment ⬇️..
And also I decided my future job!!I wanna be a priest 😁I wrote those weeding vows so confidently but in my geography exam paper I always sweating 😪 *sigh*
Ok now byee , see you all in next chapter :)
Thank you 💜

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