"Real talk this shit is worse than the first time bruh. The first time y'all had absolutely no fuckin ties. It was nothing. Kairi was there but they hadn't even met. You just broke her heart for the second time and y'all can't even escape each other. I know she doesn't want to see you. Shit I wouldn't want to see you. Y'all moved from Jersey to LA, bout a fuckin mansion, and mind you both of y'all names are on the deed. You gave her a fuckin ring. You proposed to her not once but twice and y'all are raising y'all kids together. This shit ain't just bout y'all no more. Y'all got two lil girls to think bout and Kairi is attached to sis just like Charlie is attached to you. You a whole ass clown. That lil girl calls that woman momma and Charlie calls you pa" Shooter went all the way off. "What was the point of getting back with her if ya still thinking bout Agnes. You did all that shit to get her back for what" Shooter was beyond pissed. He couldn't see Dave's logic for fuckin himself over yet again.

"Don't forget if that was lil sis harping over Breezy or any other nigga it would be a whole ass problem. Ain't no telling how you would've came at her or what would've came out of ya mouth if she did the same shit to you" Bully added fed up with Dave's whole Millie issue as well. This shit had been going on for years and at this point he figured it would never change. Dave ass was stuck on stupid and a glutton for punishment. "You got lil sis in a house that she can't even walk away from. Yea she can go purchase another one but she's attached this one because it's the house y'all purchased together, made memories in, and supposed to be raising y'all family in"

"Wait ain't this the same nigga tryna knock her up now" Shooter said shaking his head in disbelief. The only person who hadn't said a word after Dave filled them in was Errol. He really couldn't believe the shit. To him it was the same shit just a new fuckin day just like Bully and Shooter thought.

"Look lil sis ain't here so I'm a ask you straight up and I want an honest answer" Bully said looking dead at Dave. "Do you still love Agnes" he questioned. He just had to know because he couldn't understand Dave's constant need to sabotage himself over her.

Dave mugged the shit out of him. He felt like they should've already known the answer to that. Then again with the way his actions were he could understand why he asked. "Hell nah and I haven't loved her in years. Do I have love for her? Absolutely she's Kairi's mother but nah I'm not in love with her" he answered straight up and honestly. "It's not bout love. Like I told ma it's bout the time we shared and the promises we made. Granted I know now that the whole shit was fake to her but I fell in love with her. Yea we had plenty of bad days but we also had good days. It wasn't real to her but it was real to me. I promised I'd always protect her and be there for her and no matter how bad I want to stop I can't. Trust me I've tried plenty of times. Every time I push her away I think bout the nights we spent up laughing, the jokes, struggling, making it together, the day she told me she was pregnant with Kairi, and just kicking it and making promises. She can say it was fake all day long but something had to be real. I can't accept that" he said expressing himself. He just knew that Millie had to be lying. Somewhere along the line shit had to be real for her.

Errol shook his head and leaned forward in his seat. "Fuck all that do you realize ya protecting and stuck on the very same chick who Birdie needs protection from? Birdie is even protecting her and losing everything at the same damn time. She's losing you to Agnes for the second time and her peace of mind and sanity on top of that. Agnes will be ya downfall" he said and scoffed. "Shit she is ya downfall. What else does she have to do before you wake the fuck up? What do you have to lose before you get it because it looks like ya bout to lose everything and that's if you haven't already. Look I love you but we all know this shit is getting old. You just went through all this shit to get Birdie back and now it's the same shit over again" Errol said finally speaking up. He was tired of this shit.

All She Wanted Was Love 3 : Love Doesn't Live Here AnymoreWhere stories live. Discover now