"I cut off all connections with the pack including my family after I accepted his rejection. I ran away and slept in a motel that night. Well not actually slept. I'm pretty sure Elijah got mad that I accepted and physically hurt him because I woke up and some guy was trying to kill me. I found out Elijah hired him,"

"Physically hurt him?" Carlos turned his head to the side lightly in confusion

"Well, He kissed me so I punched him in the nose, and almost bit off his lip." I let out a tiny chuckle. I probably sounded like a psychopath. I looked down at Carlos who was looking right at me and then pushed himself on top of me. His eyes were black as coal.

"Mine," he growled. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay, I'm not your property but I am your mate. Just remember that" I remind him.

He laughed, "You are my mate for life though and only mine." I pulled him in for a hug.

'Oh my lord what is happening to me? When did I become so soft?' I ask myself.

'Oh shut up Bianca, he is our mate' growled April.

'How do you always manage to unblock the connection?' She didn't respond after that.

Carlos had placed his face in the crook my neck and breathed in my scent.

"What about you? What's your mate's story?" I inquired

"You are my first mate and my only," he stated

"So wait I do not understand. How do I have- well had two mates? What if Elijah had accepted me?"

"I believe the moon goddess had made a mistake."

'Wow, I've never heard of that happening before. No offense moon goddess. Please don't kill me.'

"In order for our paths to cross what happened with Elijah needed to happen. Elijah wasn't truly your mate. But if he had accepted you, she would have given me a different mate and our paths would have never crossed. But you're now with me, where you needed to be so no more thinking about that asshole,"

"Oh trust me he's the last thing on my mind." I bit my lip pulling him down closer to me

"May I kiss you?" He asked quietly as he stared at my lips.

"Of course."

He leaned in and closed the gap- it was amazing, sparks went off as our lips touched. I felt my body begin to tingle.

Let me ask you something. Is this possible? I had just met this man and I already felt like I was in love. We pulled away and I felt his heartbeat quicken. "You are so gorgeous."

"you aren't so bad yourself handsome." I laid back on the bad and he laid his head on my chest. His big arms wrapped around my waist.

"So tell me about yourself,"

"What do you want to know?" He inquired

"Anything, I'm curious to learn about you. What your favorite color? How old are you? What's your favorite food?"

Carlos let out a chuckle. "Well, my favorite color is red. I'm nineteen years old, just turned last month, and my favorite food has to be chicken parmesan pasta."

"Wait, 19? You act much older than that," he snorted. "I get that a lot," he said before continuing, "I'm the only child so yes, I'm a little spoiled- well I was. My parents are Mike and Silvia Blackwood. I like football, baseball, and basketball. I also have a gorgeous mate named Bianca." He gave me a cheeky smile.

"So what about you?" He asked.

"Well, you know my name. Let's see- my favorite color is light green, and violet. Pop-tarts are my life. I also like football. I'm 17 years old. I'm a Capricorn, my birthday's in January. My parents' names are Tim and Cassidy. I have two little brothers. They are twins named are Carson and Philip. Lastly, I have an amazing mate who is the king of all werewolves." I soon found myself forcing my eyes not to close on me when I remembered I need to take a shower. I must smell horrible.

The Kings Luna *Original unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now