Chapter 11: Calm Before the Storm

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For several days, Izuku and the gang laid low, but it was obvious the heroes and the Society weren't. At this point, it felt like another war was going to break out. So many casualties had been racked up and Izuku felt guilty, and he wasn't the only one who shared that sentiment.

Izuku: It's all my fault. If I had no interest in chasing some fantasy land, and just stayed in prison . . . . . Maybe, just maybe, none of this would have ever happened.

Momo gave her love a sad look as she understood full well what he was thinking. He may be an explorer, but he was still a hero at heart. He didn't want to kill people. Hell, they didn't even think that so many people would be caught in the crossfire.

She simply cupped his cheek and pecked his cheek.

Momo: Izuku, please. You are a wonderful hero and an even more wonderful person. Your heart is as pure as diamond. None of this was your fault to begin with. You were wrongfully accused of a crime you didn't commit. You wanted find this new place and now there are people out to kill not just, but us as well. We chose to stand by your side. We will NOT be leaving anytime soon!

Izuku smiled at her as she smiled back. He gave her a tight hug while she gently but just as lovingly hugged him back.

Izuku: Thank you.

Momo smiled as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

They then felt a moving sensation near their lower torso. The couple looked down and saw Eri smiling up at them with her arms raised.

Eri: Uppy up!

Momo covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she giggled and bent over to pick up their daughter.

The green and black haired hero couldn't help but stare at her voluptuous ass and sexy hips.

He felt a hardening sensation in his jeans as he turned red and looked away.

Of course, this was part of Momo's plan as she leaned in further as her butt grinded on his erection.

She then picked up their daughter and Eri began to call them out.

Eri: Mama and Papa are flirting.

Izuku/Momo: Yes. Yes, we are.

They shared a family hugged and Izuku and Momo kissed each other's lips. Unfortunately that moment was ruined when they some form of jazz being played loudly.

Izuku and Momo and even Eri were puzzled by this and so they traveled to where it was and they weren't expecting a drunk, now slightly injured Kaminari to be up on a stage with a microphone in his hands.

Kaminari: This song is dedicated to a very special girl. The socket to my plug, Kyoka Jirou. This one's for you, dolly.

Kaminari then began to sing in a miniscule slur.

Kaminari: You drive me Crazy, I just can't sleep! I'm so excited, I'm in too deep! Crazy, but it feels all right! Baby, thinking of you keeps me up, all night!

He then made a small interlude and soon they would find out just how strong his feelings for Kyoka were.

Eri made an open and close gesture and Izuku put Eri on his shoulder as he and Momo handed her their phones and she began to record.

Kaminari: You know, ladies and gentlemen, Kyoka Jirou is such a remarkable recording artist. She is more than just a singer. She's a writer, she's an arranger. She composes her own music, she produces her own albums. She directs, she choreographs. She's what we in the industry call an artiste. So versatile. . .so multi-talented. . . . . . .so . . . . . .so. . .

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