Chapter 5: Olympian Gladiator Matches; Mineta's New Power

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Momo and Eri saw everything that Awase was doing and right now, he was operating a drone and was watching Izuku and the others climb up Mt. Olympus and enter the coliseum.

Eri: Just watch, Papa will kick your sorry butt!

Awase: I honestly don't think so.

Momo: My Izuku can kick your pathetic ass all the way to next Sunday!

Awase scoffed and rolled his eyes as he grabbed a bag of potato chips and tortilla chips and mixed them both and began to eat it.

Awase: Look, you two. I get that you went to return to Midoriya and want to stay near him forever. I am more surprised by the fact that being raped for countless days hasn't broken you. You two really are strong willed. You should count yourselves lucky for me being so merciful toward you.

Momo: Izuku will come and save us and he WILL beat you within an inch of your life.

Awase: Oh, I am so scared. A quirkless guy is going to beat my ass. Yeah, not going to happen anytime soon. Now shut up and let's continue watching the exquisite show your boyfriend is putting for us in order to save you two.

Suddenly, an idea struck the back of his mind as he smiled at the screen wickedly. The two girls felt the evil pouring out of him.

Awase: Shoto, Natsuo, Dabi, Spinner, Ojiro and Iida. Take three of these ugly bastards with you to the coliseum in Greece. They are expendable. I am going to make use of the Olympus Coliseum, even if I have to make Midoriya do it by force.

Shoto and Natsuo smiled sinisterly as well. They still remember how Mineta was trying to prove himself better than the sons of Endeavor. They want to humiliate him even further.

Spinner and Ojiro wanted to be noticed. For far too long many at UA and around the world have ignored their existence. Now they will get a chance to prove their greatness and to show that they are not worthless fodder.

Iida was excited most of all. He secretly felt hatred for Izuku after he had saved him from the Hero Killer, Stain and when he got bested in the entrance exam. He was the son of the Ingenium line and Midoriya put a stake in his family blood and tainted it.

Momo: Iida, don't go against Izuku! He's your friend! Why would you betray him like this!? You AND Ochako!? He trusted you with all his and you abandoned him!

Iida: That quirkless scum didn't, doesn't and will never belong in UA. He is meant to be thrown like trash.



Awase: You guys could make great clowns. All right, you right, show us what you've got down there.

- With Izuku-

Izuku and the others have just entered the Coliseum and immediately torches were lit up with bolts of lightning.

Mineta: You know, the longer we go at this, the more I am convinced that quirkless people are very creative with their shit.

Kaminari: No kidding, look at this crap! It is huge!

Yo: Hey do you think we have to do some fighting in here?

Izuku: It's a coliseum. What else do you expect? Half naked bitches?

Mineta: They better be at my bachelor's party!

Aoyama: The surrounding area feels most uncomfortable. Why is that?

Nejire then looked up as she gasped and pointed at the sky in distress.

Nejire: There's your answer!

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