Chapter 10 (Trapped)

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Mason's POV:

I stood there making out with some random chick I found. Not gonna lie the kiss was terrible.

I release from the kiss."Wanna take this upstairs?," she ask seductively. As much as I love to fuck, for some reason I'm not feeling it.

"How about you meet me upstairs, I've got something to do real quick," I say with a wink.

"Sure," she nods with a blush and rushed upstairs. Finally got rid of that bitch.

I lean onto the wall and glance around the room. As I was looking around I noticed Ashley.

Wow she actually looks really nice. Pretty hot too. Especially how her dress shows of her curves and her long sexy legs.

I noticed her boobs. But, damn I never realized she had some ass back there.

I walked over to her. "Hey nerd," I say with a smirk. "Don't call me that!," she says getting annoyed.

I love it when I tease her. She looks cute when she gets all riled up.

"I didn't think you would show up," I say. "Why? Were you waiting for me to come here?," she ask teasing me.

"Why would I be waiting for you?," I ask her. "Because you'll be bored from talking to all these girls that you'd need someone to annoy," she says rolling her eyes.

"Sounds like someone likes my attention," I say with a smirk annoying her even more. "No I don't!," she says getting upset.

I couldn't help but smirk. Before she could say another reply, the fucking asshole Kyle stood in front of us.

"Hey Ashley," he says with a stupid grin on his face."Hey Kyle," Ashley says with a bright smile on her face.

When she's around me she never smiles like that. Why does that kinda hurts?

"What's up Mason," he says with the same stupid grin. "Hey," I manage to force out.

I've never liked Kyle, but now I just hate him. For some reason seeing them together erupted an anger deep down inside of me.

"So are you two here together?," he ask. "No," she says. "Yes," I say, with a smirk. She looks towards me with a glare.

"We're not together," she says as I rolled my eyes. "Oh ok I just thought that you two were a couple," he says.

"Oh no, no, no, no we're not dating, besides he probably has a lot of girlfriends anyways and we practically hate each other," she says.

Wow that stung. "Yeah she's not wrong," I say shrugging pretending not to care.

Suddenly we heard a loud crowd cheering near the fooseball table. "What's that about?," Ashley asks, curiously.

"I don't know," I say, as I walk towards the kitchen. Ashley and Kyle follow along.

We walk farther into the living room to find Jackson drinking a whole bottle of alcohol.

"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG," the crowd repeats continuously.

He finished the bottle and slammed it on the table. "YEAH!," everyone cheered.

Ashley's POV:

Damn I didn't know Jackson could chug down a whole bottle in one go.

"Hey wanna get a drink?," Kyle ask. "Sure," I say as we walk towards the kitchen.

"What do you want?," he ask. "Is there apple juice?," I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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