1- Arjun

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It all started with me. 

I stood before a slain Oryx, claiming his soul for myself and making a weapon out of it. I hardly used it, admittedly. It hung more as a relic, a trophy to behold to others- although I am not much of the bragging type with my kills. My other creations and accomplishments, on the other hand, a little more so.

With the conflict of Savathun brewing, I went back to old memories. I scavenged and searched, only to find the relic of Oryx's soul ebbing away, nearly dusted with age. With an outstretched hand, I touched it, and it dissipated. I frowned as my Ghost, Silver, glanced around erratically in confusion. "Where did it go? It was right here, wasn't it?" I stood, only to fall back onto my knees. "Arjun? Are you-" Silver froze. My eyes were a swirling green, black and white. Hive magic and Taken energy danced within my eyes. "Arjun...?" My Ghost asked, uneasy. "What?" I replied, but my mouth did not move to make such a noise. Nonetheless, he heard me loud and clear. Silver shrank away from me. "I don't like this- I'm calling Eris-" My hand shot out to take hold of my Ghost. "No." I told him, mouth still unmoving. I rarely did open it, and rarely did I want to, but never had I felt as though my lips were so stuck together.

In the end, I choked, coughing up black. My muscles writhed as though I'd ingested something potent. I vomited up a liquid uncanny to anything I'd ever seen outside of Oryx's Dreadnaught. Trembling, my Ghost still in my hand and forcing myself to remain upright, I managed to rasp a demand. "My ship..." I transmatted into it, and within the blink of an eye, I was stumbling into Bray Exoscience. I suspected my Ghost must have hidden himself within my "backpack," and I took to stumbling around the sleek building, staining it with black sludge that stung my nostrils with the pungent stench of oil. Ordinarily, I'd like the smell, but it was overwhelming.

"Bray," I coughed with the spell, scowling with blackened teeth, not daring to part my lips out of fear another wave of Taken vomit might leave me. "Bray!" I repeated with overlapping voices, distress and anger increasing the volume. "What? Oh... what is that liquid you're leaking?" I coughed, gagging as I tasted the rotten bile of the sludge rise in my throat. "Get me to my table." I demanded, and hesitantly one of his bots approached and helped me over to one. "When are you going to explain how exactly this happened? And why are you a walking biohazard?" Bray pressed, pompous irritation lacing his tone. I huffed, black dripping from my nose and eyes now.

Helping myself onto a table, I broke away from the bot, only to find myself stuck to it. The thing beeped and whirred in distress, and in a fearful panic I continued to pull, only to hear more creaking and splintering metal. "What the hell?!" I yelled, my voice turning more pained as the mechanical bot tore itself in two, its legs collapsing as its upper torso melted into the sludge that leaked from my very pores. It connected itself with me, snapping into position around my arms like armor. I inspected it with wide eyes, my coughing fit slowing as the metal finished embedding itself with my skin and bones.

"Bray... Get me my Vex arms." I drawled, mind clearer now as I slowly began to realize the possibilities behind this new curse. "Not until you tell me-"

"Oryx. I collected a bit of his soul." I squeezed my fist, steel exoskeleton moving with it. "I think." My voice still didn't sound my own- I'm sure now I wasn't even speaking. My mind was speaking for me. "I thought you did that ages ago." Bray said, still confused. It was funny hearing it in his tone, since he always sounded so self-assured. "His soul was dying in the rubble I lost my Touch of Malice in. I tried to collect it, and the soul went into me to escape death. That is the theory, at least. And now..." I trailed off, falling to the floor beside the robot's broken legs, inky sludge immediately coming into contact with the metal. The steel crawled towards me, making contact with my legs and building myself exoskeletal legs. "Now it does my bidding, I believe." I finished, gripping the table as the steel stuck into my legs, building up off of me.

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