I should take a shower, but it's so far, and my body was aching.
I finished my protein shake and sat on the couch with my popcorn and pop tarts. I turn on the TV to watch Pretty Little Liars,
Currently, I'm confused as hell about what is going on. They need to reveal who "A" is, the suspense is killing me.
I was so indulged by the show that I didn't realize that my dad came inside along with my brothers and my mom.

"Hi honey, how are you liking living in the packed house?" my mom asked, walking over to me. She was holding back a laugh. My face was painted with visible shock. Dad had caught me red-handed.
Well, butter handed.
I tried to play it off and cover the popcorn with a blanket, "I love it, Mom, but I have to be honest I miss these two weirdos," I pointed at my twin brothers.

"Yeah, I'm sure you love it now that I am not here to watch you," Dad said, taking the Pop-Tart wrappers in his hand. "You know the sugars alone could kill you."

'Shoot, the Pop-Tarts! I knew I forgot something.' I mentally cursed myself

"Dad, I'm 17, you can't control what I eat. It's my body, and I will not- and will never- apologize for eating these gifts from the greater beings." My dad chuckled

"Ok, good, you're aren't going to rant." I sighed in relief

"I don't rant." He grumbled

"Dad trusts me; you go all off." I snickered

"Well, back to the whole room thing and you moving out, we miss you too, but I got your room so don't come back," I looked at Carson and sent him a fake glare.

"Yeah, Bianca, with Carson gone, I get to watch TV without hearing, 'Let's go do this, let's do that or come, let's go for a run!' I swear it's like having a talking dog," Philip joked

The whole room fell into laughter at my 9-year-old brother's stupidity.
Let me tell you a little about my brothers. Carson was the oldest by 6 minutes. Both of the twins had a similar face structure to dads while I looked almost identical to my mom. My twin sister Emiline looked like mom, too. Sadly, she passed away before my brothers were born. We lost her in a rogue attack.

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Wow, you have a lot of twins in your family.' My brothers and I are the only set of twins in our family since my great-great-great-grandfather.

Anyway, let's talk about Carson first. He has mom's brunette hair and dad's blue eyes, while Philip has dad's blonde hair but mom's green eyes.
I inherited my dad's blonde hair and a mix of greenish-blue eyes.
Carson was more outgoing and annoying; he was a textbook extrovert, while Philip was more of an introvert.
I loved my brothers more than anything; I was super protective over them.

"You two are so adorable" I squeezed them

"Hey, watch the hair!" Carson screamed, pulling away to fix what he likes to call 'perfection.'

"Ew, your still sticky, do you know what a shower is?" Carson groaned
Did I say I love them? Cause I take it back.

A trail of footsteps came down the stairs making us turn our heads to see that it was the previous Alpha Rick and Luna Lois.

"Norths, how are you?" Lois asked, kindly walking to hug my mother. My parents were close to the alpha and Luna.
We all greeted her by bowing.

She laughed, "please, I'm no longer Luna, no bowing."
I just adored Luna Lois; she teh best Luna and a true inspiration. She was the perfect Luna, smart, brave, and caring.
I looked over to Alpha Rick, who was talking with my dad. Alpha Rick is a very tall man, just like my father, but then again, most male werewolves are. Both of them stood at 6 foot 7. It was always kind of scary the way they towered over you.

"So, Bianca, are you excited to become a pack warrior next year?" Lois asked

"Very! I'm so excited, it's been my dream ever since I was little," I bounced up and down like a child. My family laughed at me.
"I'm glad. So, have you found your mate yet? Rick asked, making me I nearly choke on my air.

"No, sir, I haven't. But maybe soon." I told them, looking down at my feet as I finally calmed down.

I know It's weird, I'm 17 and still haven't found my mate yet. He could be in the pack, and I would never know until 'the time is right.' Awful, I know. I could be talking to my mate, and I wouldn't even know.
Some people could go their whole lives as their mate and not know until their wolves are fully mature, which occurs between the ages 16-20.
The scary part is that some wolves take longer to mature so that they could spend 30 to 40 years without a mate. Some, and it's very uncommon, not having mates at all. Awful to even think about, everyone deserves a mate or at least someone they could share their life with and love.

As I was saying, once you find your mate, females will go through heat at some point between the first couple of months. This heat makes female werewolves very, well to be frank, horny, and the female's scent changes so that their mate can smell when they're in heat, and you know they can 'do it' to produce pups.
Unmated male wolves can also smell the heat, but only your mate can satisfy the burning pain heat causes. I Learned all that in Werewolf sex-ed, also known as the worst class ever.
I sat there the whole time, just wanting to either throw up or kill myself. Okay, so that's a little extreme. But then again, the teacher did make us put condoms on bananas.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a shower." I excused myself from the room and ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. The best part about moving into the Packhouse was now I had a bathroom all to myself.
I grabbed my towel and hopped into the shower.
I washed my hair and my body. Letting the warm water ease my sore muscles was just what I needed. After I finished, I got dressed in leggings and a white tank top with my slippers. I walked back downstairs and sat back onto the couch with my brothers playing video games.
My mom and dad were sitting in the kitchen, talking.
I was minding my own business when out of no where n my wolf started to go crazy. Howling and whining.
I heard footsteps come down the stairs, and I was distracted by the best scent I have ever smelled in my life.

'Mate! Mate! Mate!" My wolf cheered. I turned to see who it was- only to have Elijah then tackle me. I fell to the ground, and my popcorn from earlier spilled everywhere.

Well, I'm not cleaning that up.

Now back to this ass, "Get your STD filled body off of me!" I yelled at him

'Don't talk about our mate like that,' my wolf growled at me.

"Is that any way to talk to your alpha?" Elijah frowned.

"Oh, thank the moon goddess you didn't say, mate." When he touched me, I felt only itchiness instead of the typical sparks.

Elijah looked at me with a smirk, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I, Elijah Westmoon reject you Bianca North as my mate and Luna of this pack, Kat's already got that job." He smirked and got off me.

I felt an aching pain in my chest, but I just brushed it off. I won't show pain, especially in front of him. Elijah then turned around and looked at me, "Oh, and just so I don't have to see your face in this pack, I at this moment ban you from the Westmoon pack."

My body began to burn; the mate bond was breaking. My head started to spin. I fell into shock.

I, Bianca North, was not just rejected, but I was also banned from ever seeing or stepping foot in the place I called home.

"Elijah, you god damn idiot!" Rick screamed at his son.

My knees suddenly became jelly and turned on me. I fell to the ground black spots began to cloud my vision. All I remember after that was hearing yelling before the darkness consumed me.

Rejection hurts. It kills you from the inside, and it murders your soul. It's hard for a wolf to get over it, and most likely, they never will. They'll usually end up dying because the pain is too much. It's like being stripped away of half of your soul; you'll forever have an empty hole. - Unknown

Hope you enjoyed, you can find the edited version of this book on my page.

The Kings Luna *Original unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now