Chapter 3

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Calyn could hear two voices talking above her, but she still pretended to be asleep for a little while longer. Her head felt like a hot iron rod was being thrown against her over and over again. She felt a sharp pain in her arm as she moved. She used her hand to feel around her elbow and realized there was a needle sticking into her arm. She could hear beeping and smell sickness all around her. Calyn opened her eyes. She was in a hospital. She looked down at herself. She was in a hospital bed with her normal clothes on, the covers draped around her body. She had an IV running out of each arm. She felt her heart pick up speed as she looked around the area. She had a blood pressure cuff on her left arm and a heart rate monitor on her right. There were tons of machines beeping around her. The floor was made of white-spotted tiles and the walls were blue curtains. A doctor and nurse spoke instinctively at the front of her small room. The nurse seemed to be scolding the doctor.

"I will get it taken care of." The doctor says before turning around. Calyn recognizes her as the doctor because of her white coat. She is a younger woman, with a triangle-shaped face and upturned nose. Her lips were thin lines pressed together and her platinum blonde hair was in a ponytail. She wore house shoes on her feet. Under her white coat she wore light blue scrubs with rubber ducks patterns. "Hi, Calyn!" She chirps. Calyn flinches, confused. She hadn't remembered anything after passing out at the party. And where was her car, why was she at a hospital? "It's perfectly normal to be confused." The doctor said, answering Calyn's thoughts. "You took a pretty good beating." Calyn hadn't remembered getting any beatings. Besides when that white girl bumped into her earlier that night, but nothing came of it. She remembered heading to her car that night... but what happened after? She didn't remember driving anywhere much less getting into any fights. "I don't know the whole backstory." The doctor said, sitting down gently on the edge of Calyn's bed. She seemed to speak softly, as if she were talking to a lost toddler. "But your friend brought you in pretty bad shape. You had multiple contusions all around your head." She explained, pointing to spots on her head with her hands. It was then Calyn realized that she had bandages around her head. She reached up to touch them. "I also had to put some stitches at the back of your head. I think thats what worried your boyfriend the most." She chuckled. Calyn furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't have a boyfriend, and the only boy that she was with recently was Embry, and he had a girlfriend. So who could she be talking about? Calyn suddenly had the urge to cough. She leaned over and hacked into her elbow. A stabbing pain went through her throat as she let out her cough. Blood shot from her mouth onto her elbow. "We also had to perform gastric suction. Looks like you partied a little too hard. Your body wouldn't stop trying to throw up all that alcohol earlier so we had to remove it."

"My stomach?" Calyn says quickly. Her voice was small and hoarse. She rushed to pull up her garments and look at her flat stomach. There were no incisions.

"No, sweetie, the alcohol." The doctor chuckled.

"How long have I been here?" Asked Calyn. Her vision was still a blur and her head felt ten times lighter than usual. She had to think. She had to find a way out.

"Only a few hours." The doctor said. "You're boyfriend brought you in early this morning." The word boyfriend slipped off of her tongue so easily. Like there was absolutely no doubt that she had a boyfriend, and he brought her to the hospital. This made Calyn even more confused. She wondered how hard she was hit.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Calyn mumbled to herself as the blood pressure machine went off. The doctor talked on, not hearing her.

"Which reminds me," She says, "I have not gotten you checked in yet. Have you been here before?" Calyn shook her head. The blood pressure machine starts beeping louder. The doctor quickly whips her head, her ponytail whipping around. She squints her eyes at the monitor. "How are you feeling?"

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