Chapter 2

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Calyn enjoyed the drive to La Push. Unlike California it had twists, turns, and no other cars. Green surrounded her and there were no stop signs or red lights to slow her down. She could drive however she wanted to. Her foot started to get heavier and heavier as she presses on the gas. They quickly pass a speed limit sign. Calyn glances towards Embry, then back to her speedometer that was far over fifty five.
"It's fine." Embry says and shrugs his lean shoulders. "Everyone drives fast. Cops don't really come around here." Calyn smiles and pushes the gas even harder, almost hitting triple digits. "I can't believe this is your ride." Embry says, glancing around at the glowing electronics inside of the Mustang. "Is this tint even legal?"

"No." Calyn chuckles. As they come up to a sharp corner a huge grin creeps its way onto Calyn's face. "You better hold on to something." Embry furrows his brows in confusion. She speeds up as the corner gets closer, hitting dangerous speeds.

"WAIT! NO! DON'T!" Embry yells, realizing what she was about to do, but it was too late and Calyn had already hit the brake and shifted gears. The car quickly slid around the corner while Embry screamed and covered his head. He was relieved that he remembered to put his seatbelt on, which saved him from being jerked around the mustang while Calyn drifted the corner. She quickly slowed down, and tried to cover her mouth to keep a cackle from escaping, but failed to do so.

"Are your pants dry?" She managed to say through her laughter.

"Ah ha ha ha." Embry says sarcastically. "So funny I forgot to laugh." Calyn stopped laughing, not fully understanding the joke. "There's another corner up ahead."

"Nope. I like my seats dry, thank you very much."

"Please! I wasn't ready!" He pleads.

"No, I want these tires to last a couple more months." Calyn sighs, looking at Embry who has a pouty face on. Her stomach drops as she sees a huge shadow right next to the road. She quickly jerks the car away from the shoulder. "Oh my god! What was that?!"

"What was what?" Embry asks, looking around.

"There was a huge shadow! Right next to the road!" Calyn explains.

"It's probably Hairyman." Embry jokes and laughs.

"What?" Calyn scrunches her face in confusion.

"Hairyman. It's an old legend around here." Embry explains, chuckling. "There's a bridge that we'll cross in a bit. People call it Hairyman Bridge. Apparently if you've ever done a person terribly wrong, he'll jump out from under the bridge and smash the hood of your car in, then he'll flip it over the bridge. So, he's basically a vengeful Sasquatch." Embry was right about passing a bridge soon. The bridge was wooden and rickety, with barely enough room for one car. Calyn slowed down in fear of breaking the bridge. It seemed as if the bridge was watching her. Even though it was just a silly story, Calyn couldn't help her stomach churning as they crossed the bridge. She was ready to slam her foot on the gas if anything came out from underneath the bridge. "You got a lighter?" Embry asks, holding up a cigarette.

"Yeah." Calyn answers, snapping out of her zone. "In the glove box." She says and points. Embry opens the glove box and lighters are cluttered out all over. He notices a fat manilla envelope with cash peaking out of the side, but he minds his own business and flips the box shut. "You have to roll down a window if you're going to smoke that." Calyn orders. "I don't want my baby to smell like an ashtray."

"All right, all right." Embry cracks his window and lights his cigarette. As they turned another corner, Calyn could see the blazing fires on the beach. They were all the way on the other side of town and still looked huge. They could hear the music and cheering from the beach all the way in town. When they pulled up to the party, they were in the fourth row of cars. Embry immediately unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out of the car. Calyn followed Embry to the beach. As they approached the party they could see four huge bonfires almost ten feet tall in the middle of the beach. Calyn couldn't help her eyes widen as she stared at the huge tipi structures. "Ever seen a fire that big?"

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